New Measures to Promote Gender Equality in Science and Academia
Introduction of gender inclusion funding for spokespersons in DFG coordinated programmes: Research Units (including Advanced Studies Centres in SSH and Clinical Research Units), Research Training Groups, Priority Programmes and Collaborative Research Centres (including CRC/Transregios)
At its September 2019 meeting, the Joint Committee of the DFG approved the introduction of gender inclusion funding for spokespersons in coordinated programmes. With immediate effect, networks whose spokesperson/coordinator belongs to an underrepresented gender at the management level in their specific field may apply for €80,000 per funding year in conjunction with an establishment proposal or renewal proposal. The DFG regularly publishes information regarding underrepresented genders at the project management level (see link below).
The aim of gender inclusion funding is to provide an incentive for persons from an underrepresented gender in their respective field to take up a management position. This should improve the gender ratio at management level in research networks, which is currently imbalanced. Women in particular are strongly involved in managerial tasks – not least due to their desired participation in committees and commissions, but also due to teaching and research administration – which leaves less time for research. At the same time, female researchers have previously been significantly underrepresented as spokespersons of a DFG network. The General Assembly of the DFG has also recommended individual support measures within the context of the Research-Oriented Standards on Gender Equality, such as the provision of funding for staff.
Gender inclusion funding should be used for individual and subject and/or project-related activities serving to facilitate the spokesperson’s role. This applies to coordinators in Priority Programmes. Funding can be used, for example, for research or administrative support staff, to fund a sabbatical for the spokesperson or for a partial temporary substitute clinician position.
Networks that have already been granted funding can apply for gender inclusion funding for spokespersons via an informal supplemental proposal. This supplemental proposal should cover the time until the end of the current funding period and outline what the funding will be used for. These supplemental proposals may be submitted at any time. Funding is awarded on a pro-rata basis from the date of submission. For Collaborative Research Centres and Research Training Groups, approval is granted from the month following the submission, but no earlier than 1 January 2021.
Introduction of a standard allowance for gender equality measures in the Emmy Noether and Research Grants Programmes
Likewise with immediate effect, applicants have the option of applying for the Module Standard Allowance for Gender Equality Measures in the Emmy Noether and Research Grants Programmes. Previously, it was only possible to request this funding via the coordinated programmes, such as through Collaborative Research Centres or Priority Programmes. Now it has been extended to large parts of the individual grants programme.
Up to €1,000 per funding year is available through the earmarked standard allowance in the Emmy Noether and Research Grants Programmes. Funding can be used for measures that advance an applicant’s career or promote the compatibility of family life and a research career. Measures that support female scientists in pursuing research careers, such as participating in additional conferences or coaching sessions, can also be funded. Furthermore, researchers with family commitments may use the allowance to employ support staff to carry out routine tasks or project-specific teaching activities. In compliance with certain legal conditions – including the Besserstellungsverbot and the Verbot des direkten Geldflusses – childcare may also be funded.
Further Information
The DFG form “Module Coordination” with information on gender inclusion funding is available at:
Information about underrepresentation can be found at:
The DFG form “Module Standard Allowance for Gender Equality Measures” can be found at:
Information on the latest recommendations within the framework of the Research-Oriented Standards on Gender Equality, available in German only, can be viewed under:
Information and details regarding other programme-specific funding opportunities in the field of equal opportunities can be found in the corresponding funding guidelines, the guidelines for the individual programmes, as well as at: