Information for Researchers, No. 22 | March 8, 2022

Information Regarding German-Russian Proposals and Cooperation Projects

Cooperation to be suspended as a consequence of the Russian attack on Ukraine / DFG funding of the German share of projects still guaranteed

As a result of the Russian attack on Ukraine, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) is suspending its German-Russian cooperation activities. The DFG is aware of the consequences of these measures and at the same time deeply regrets them from the academic perspective. Our solidarity goes both to the academics in Ukraine who fear for their lives and health and have been forced to leave their homes, as well as to our long-standing cooperation partners and scholars at Russian research institutions, who are themselves appalled at the actions of the Russian government.

Below you will find information provided by the DFG on what to do in connection with German-Russian funding proposals and cooperation projects.

Information for applicants

At the present time, the DFG is not accepting new proposals or renewal proposals that involve German-Russian cooperation. Proposals that have already been submitted, such as those under the joint call for proposals with the Russian Science Foundation (RSF), are suspended until further notice and will not be processed further. For this reason, no decision can be taken regarding renewal proposals for ongoing projects. Bridge funding is not possible in such cases either.

Information for reviewers

Reviewers who have been requested by the DFG Head Office to review a proposal with Russian involvement are free to complete the review and submit it to the Head Office. The review may also be suspended until further notice or returned to the office.

Information for funding recipients

Cooperative ventures that are jointly funded by the DFG and a Russian partner organisation (Russian Science Foundation or Russian Foundation for Basic Research) are to be suspended. As of now, no data, samples, equipment or research material is to be exchanged under existing cooperations. Whether and to what extent the projects can be continued or modified without these fundamental resources is up to the project leaders in Germany to decide. As a general rule, the projects are to be continued as far as possible without cooperation; funding for the German share of the project is still guaranteed by the DFG.

Please note that foreign trips to Russia, workshops and events involving academics at Russian research institutions that are normally possible under all project funding formats are not to be carried out. Guest visits currently in progress do not have to be terminated. New guest visits are not to be planned or implemented, however.

The information on travel and guest visits also applies to collaborations where no co-funding is provided by a Russian partner organisation but where researchers employed at a Russian research institution are involved in the project, even though they may not be project leaders themselves.

Insofar as the DFG directly funds the Russian share of a project, for example in connection with a Research Unit or Priority Programme, this funding will be discontinued.

Researchers who are currently applying for a fellowship abroad for Russia may alter their applications and specify a different destination country. Scholarships that have already been approved are not to be taken up. Providing the approval of the DFG Head Office is obtained, current scholarships can be converted into domestic scholarships or positions; here, too, there is the option of moving to another country.

Due to the large number of people involved, please appreciate that we are not able to inform applicants, reviewers and funding recipients individually. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the relevant person in the department.

Further Information

Specialist contacts at the Head Office:

Further details will be posted soon at:

On the same subject, see also: