Information for Researchers, No. 23 | March 8, 2022

Update of the Project Proposal Preparation Instructions

Research grants, projects for RU, Clinical RU and Priority Programmes, and under the Emmy Noether Programme

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) has updated its Proposal Preparation Instructions (DFG form 54.01). This applies to the description of projects for proposals under the programme Individual Research Grants, under the Emmy Noether Programme and for Research Units, Clinical Research Units and Priority Programmes.

  • In particular, the aim is to take into account the increased relevance of the issue of “Handling of research data” (section 2.4). Applicants are now asked to address this issue as part of the project description itself and do so in greater detail than before. A checklist is available as a guide to the information required. In addition, it is possible to access further information on the handling of research data and the DFG’s measures to promote the appropriate handling of research data (see link below).
  • By placing the sections “Handling of research data” and “Relevance of sex, gender and/or diversity” in the first, academic part of the project description, the page separation for proposals under the research grant programme has now been changed from the previous 15 + 10 pages to 17 + 8 pages. As a result, there are now 17 pages available for the scientific part, with an additional eight pages for the second part, consisting of the sections “Supplementary information" and "Requested modules/funds”.
  • In section 2.3 “Work programme”, a note has been added that explanations of quality assurance measures for the project can be included in the work programme if necessary.
  • Section 4.1.2 “Descriptions of proposed investigations involving experiments on humans or human materials” has had its title extended to include tests with “identifiable data”, and it now also includes notes on how to present the testing schedule.
  • The information on “Dual Use Research of Concern” (section 4.1.5) has been updated due to changes in legal standards.

On a transitional basis, proposals will be accepted under the previous structure up until 31 May 2022.

Further Information

The new DFG form “Proposal Preparation Instructions – Project Proposals”:

General notes on the appropriate handling of research data:

Access to the DFG elan portal:

Programme contacts at the DFG Head Office: