Information for Researchers, No. 32 | May 3, 2022

Update of the Funding Programme “Information Infrastructures for Research Data”

New emphasis enables funding of comprehensive measures for the establishment and further development of information infrastructures for research data

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) has updated its funding programme “Information Infrastructures for Research Data”. Under this programme, funds can be applied for to establish and further develop information infrastructures for research data. In addition, a new programme emphasis makes it possible to acquire funds to design organisational models and develop networking, education and training measures as well for studies that provide insights to support the further development of research data infrastructures.

The programme update reflects the changing needs in science and the humanities which were identified in the course of a programme evaluation and have also emerged from the ongoing development of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI). Proposals are now required to attach greater importance to aspects such as orientation towards research needs, systemic, organisational and cooperative integration in existing structures, user involvement, and the sustainable operation and availability of services. The programme now offers new funding opportunities, too, e.g. for designing and establishing training and education measures.

Bearing the same title as before – “Information Infrastructures for Research Data” – the updated programme has three main focus areas:

  • Establish or further develop information infrastructures for research data
  • Design and establish organisational structures and accountability structures
  • Studies to analyse research data management with the aim of improving research data infrastructures

Proposals may be submitted by researchers and also by members of research data infrastructure institutions such as libraries, archives, museums, computer and media centres and the like, providing the institutions in question are non-profit organisations.

Proposals subject to a maximum funding period of three years can be submitted immediately and at any time. Proposals based on the specifications set out in the previous programme guidelines will continue to be accepted for a transitional period of three months.

Further Information

Funding programme guidelines (DFG form 12.14):

Funding programme website:

Frequently asked questions about the funding programme (currently in German only):

Key Questions for the Review Session (DFG form 10.213):

DFG Programme Contacts: