Special programme for Ukraine
The ongoing Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and the situation of researchers there is something that the DFG continues view with great concern.
The DFG has supported researchers who have fled their home countries since December 2015, and this has also applied to refugees from Ukraine since the beginning of this year. But support is needed on the ground, too. In many cases, researchers are struggling or unable to make a living because their positions are no longer fully funded or not funded at all. For this reason, in addition to the funding measures it has already initiated, the DFG is now offering separate support for Ukrainian researchers (project leaders) who are in Ukraine and are still able to pursue research: in the case of Research Grants, Research Units and Priority Programmes and under the existing DFG procedure “Cooperation with Developing Countries”, applicants in Germany can now apply for funds to cover the living expenses of Ukrainian project leaders in a maximum amount of €1,000 per month per project leader for project implementation in Ukraine, and can pass these funds on to the individuals concerned in the event of approval.
For new research projects with cooperation partners in Ukraine, funding can be applied for according to the existing rules for “Cooperation with Developing Countries” (DFG form 54.013, see link below). Applicants in Germany are asked to enter the total amount of funding requested for the partners in Ukraine in the elan portal in the basic module under “Material resources”/“Other”. A detailed list of these requested funds is required in the “Description of the Project – Project Proposal”.
Researchers can also apply for these funds in connection with existing DFG-funded research projects by means of so-called supplemental proposals. Proposals can be submitted for German-Ukrainian projects that are already under way or that have so far been conducted solely by German researchers to date. If researchers from Ukraine are to be newly included in projects in this way, an explanation must be provided of the work to be added to the current projects. Supplemental proposals can be submitted informally via the elan portal (see link below).
Together with the proposals (new proposals or supplemental proposals), evidence must be submitted in each case by the respective Ukrainian research institution or university indicating by what amount and for what reasons the individual’s salary is currently below the pre-war salary or stating that no salary can be paid at present or in the foreseeable future and why this is the case.
It is not possible to apply for funding outside of DFG projects. The option to apply is limited to a period of two years until further notice and applies to all proposals received by the DFG up to and including 15 September 2024.
Projects with a small financial volume are also welcome in order to initiate collaborative ventures and prepare more extensive joint projects. When initiating joint projects, funds can be applied for using the funding instrument “Initiation of International Collaboration” (see link below).
Further Information
General information on relations, partner organisations and funding opportunities with Ukraine:
- International Cooperation / Countries and Region(interner Link)
(under the drop-down menu “Ukraine”)
Information on cooperation with developing countries (incl. supplementary instructions, DFG form 54.013):
Information on research grants (please also refer to the information on cooperation with developing countries linked above):
Information on the funding instrument “Initiating International Collaboration”:
You will find the DFG’s elan portal for submitting proposals here:
Contact persons responsible at the DFG Head Office: