Emmy Noether Groups – Toxicology
Toxicological research is concerned with the harmful effects of individual chemicals or mixtures of substances and the elucidation of their modes of action. Based on this knowledge, the risk to the health of living organisms can be assessed and protective measures can be taken. As such, toxicology is a key requirement when it comes to preventive population protection. In addition, the collation of scientific findings gained from different model systems has always been an essential component of research. The critical examination of quality parameters in studies and the development of innovative approaches to data integration are essential components of the research questions, as well as being relevant to many other scientific disciplines.
As a rule, toxicological questions can only be answered through interdisciplinary cooperation with other fields of science and in international networks. Under its strategic funding initiative “Toxicology”, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) focuses on supporting researchers in this field who are in the early stages of their career. The aim of this call is to offer the next generation of highly qualified researchers in toxicological research an attractive career opportunity in science while at the same time promoting toxicological research in Germany and strengthening it structurally.
The DFG now invites especially qualified researchers in early career phases in the field of toxicology to submit proposals under the Emmy Noether Programme. This call is aimed at individuals in the relevant disciplines whose profile is rooted in toxicological research.
To be eligible for funding, projects must address the harmful effects of chemicals and substance mixtures and seek to elucidate their modes of action in human beings. This includes questions relating to both nutritional and environmental toxicology. Pharmacological questions are not the focus of this call, though. The call explicitly encourages the application of New Approach Methods, especially data integration and modelling, and the establishment of alternatives to animal experimentation. Proposals must show integration in international networks as well as interdisciplinary links. In addition, host institutions are expected to provide a plausible concept which adequately sets out the necessary infrastructural support and the structural priority in this research field.
Eligibility Requirements
Section 2.1 in the Emmy Noether Programme guidelines, DFG form 50.02 applies in relation to the eligibility requirements. Postdoctoral researchers, junior professors in early career phases with temporary contracts and those with temporary “qualification professorships” are eligible to submit proposals.
Proposals can generally be submitted two to four years after completing a doctorate; for qualified applicants in the field of medicine, the maximum period after obtaining a doctorate is six years. The childcare regulation that came into force on 1 July 2020 applies (see guideline 50.02, section 2.1.4. and the FAQ on the Emmy Noether Programme), as do the regulations in guideline 50.02.
The DFG also particularly encourages applications from those involved in international research systems who would like to switch or return to the German research system.
Applicants are expected to hold a doctorate with an outstanding result as well as having published preliminary work that is highly recognised and visible. Relevant industrial research experience is also welcome. International research experience should be demonstrated by research visits abroad, international research collaborations or work experience in an international working environment, for example.
Proposals under this funding line of the Emmy Noether Programme must be submitted in English via the elan portal by 28 March 2023. In order to submit a proposal, please select the call entitled “Toxicology” in the elan portal. The review process is based on the standard criteria applicable under the Emmy Noether Programme (see DFG form 10.210).
Please note that applicants must be registered in the elan portal in order to submit a proposal. Registration is required by no later than 15 March 2023.
Further information
Further information on the Emmy Noether Programme:
The guidelines DFG form 50.02 and 10.210 can be found at:
The template for your CV is available at:
Access to the DFG elan portal:
Contact person at the DFG:
- Dr. Sigrid Ziegler
Tel. +49 228 885-2676
sigrid.ziegler@dfg.d(externer Link)