Theme-based delegation trips to Canada and the USA for UAS representatives
The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) initiative to support the internationalisation of research at universities of applied sciences (UDIF-HAW) is organising a total of five delegation trips to Canada and the USA in September 2023 on the themes listed below. The trips tie in with a virtual matchmaking event that was held on 18 October 2022.
Themes of the planned delegation trips:
- Transformation of the Energy Sector in the Wake of Climate Change
- Health Care and Social Medicine throughout the Life Course
- Secure Digitalisation of Industrial Engineering
- Smart Cities
- Innovative Materials – from Synthesis to Application
Researchers, representatives of German universities of applied sciences at management level and other multipliers are invited to submit informal expressions of interest to the DFG by 7 May 2023, including a thematic reference. It is possible for individuals to join one theme-based trip each. Two prioritisations may be indicated in the expressions of interest if two thematic references are provided. Participation is subject to vacancies being available. You will subsequently receive a link enabling binding registration and upload of a curriculum vitae, which will be made available to all participants on the German and North American side.
Each trip will involve visits to university and research sites that are relevant to the thematic areas. See under “Further information” for a brief programme outline. You will receive a detailed programme schedule after confirmation of your expression of interest. A complete list of participants will be sent out prior to the trip.
Organisational matters
Outward and homeward travel is to be organised by participants themselves; the DFG is not able to cover travel and visa costs.
The costs of accommodation, transport and meals during the trip as part of the programme are borne by the DFG.
Further information
Please send informal expressions of interest to:
For the brief programme outline, see:
Report on the matchmaking event in October 2022:
Contact at DFG Head Office:
- Dr. Jennifer Gronau
International Cooperation
Tel: +49 (228) 885-2388
udif-haw@dfg.d(externer Link)