Information for Researchers, No. 38 | May 15, 2023

Matchmaking Event with Researchers from Taiwan

Invitation to Submit Abstracts

As part of the initiative Networking for Research at Universities of Applied Sciences, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) announces a networking event on 28 July 2023, 8.30–11.30 (UTC+2). It aims to bring together researchers from German Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) with researchers from Taiwan and thus enable scientific exchange.

There will be three breakout rooms covering the following topics:

  • Net zero – negative carbon emission in technologies and sustainable development in industry
  • Electric vehicles – advanced vehicle technologies, innovative energy grid integration and energy storage optimisation
  • Green semiconductors – sustainable and energy-efficient processes, technologies and new materials

It involves researchers presenting specific research projects or their research focus in the context of 5-minute pitches. This will be followed by 10-minute discussions. Researchers from all topic-related disciplines and subject areas are invited to participate.

Short abstracts and posters can be submitted under the link below by 15 June 2023, including a substantive reference.

The event will be held as part of the DFG initiative Networking for Research at Universities of Applied Sciences (UDIF-HAW). This initiative offers topical- and partner-based networking events and delegation trips. The objectives are to support the internationalisation of research at UAS and to raise awareness of DFG funding formats among researchers at UAS.

Further Information

For general details of the UDIF-HAW initiative, see:

For information on the matchmaking event, see:

Contact person at the DFG: