COVID-19 Focus Funding: Impacts of the Coronavirus Pandemic in the Global South: Health Systems and Society

In this call under COVID-19 Focus Funding, the DFG is inviting proposals on the topic “Impacts of the Coronavirus Pandemic in the Global South”. With this subject the DFG is highlighting the countries and regions which have been particularly affected by the impacts of the pandemic due to major social dis-parities, a relatively weak economy, a high degree of informality, a lack of social security and overbur-dened health systems.

List of funded Projects:

Subject Area Project in GEPRIS
Modern and Current History Crisis as catalyst: Covid-19, social citizenship and political transformation in India(externer Link)
Human Geography
Social and Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology
Public Health, Health Services Research, Social Medicine
PROtecting the WELLbeing of MIGRANTS in India during the COVID-19 pandemic (PROWELLMIGRANTS)(externer Link)
Human Geography
Social and Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology
Uneven geographies of vaccine manufacturing in the Global South: assessing the relations between research & development and global equity(externer Link)
Empirical Social Research
Political Science
Covid-19 in Latin America: The role of social protections for households with children(externer Link)
Public Health, Health Services Research, Social Medicine Intersectoral Collaboration and Health Services during COVID19: A multi-stage, multi-level mixed-methods study in Ahmedabad, India(externer Link)
Empirical Social Research Consequences of the Covid-19 crisis on Social Inequalities and Convivial Relations in Three Paraguayan Border Cities(externer Link)
Political Science Populist Discourses on COVID-19 in the Global South (POP-DISC)(externer Link)
Human Geography Open Markets in Ghana and Covid-19 interventions. Competing strategies of infection control and lessons for relational urban health(externer Link)
Political Science Rebellion, elections and the pandemic in the Central African Republic: Covid-19 and its impact on deep-seated patterns of governance(externer Link)
Economic Policy, Applied Economics Investigating Supply & Demand Side Factors of a Massive Covid-19 Vaccination Drive: Experimental Evidence from Indonesia(externer Link)
General and Comparative Linguistics, Typology, Non-European Languages
Applied Linguistics, Experimental Linguistics, Computational Linguistics
Belief states of vulnerable groups in crises in Latin America: sociolingustic and computational assessment(externer Link)
Public Health, Health Services Research, Social Medicine Migrant Health at the Borders in Times of COVID-19: Assessing Gaps, Needs and Priorities in the Implementation of Human Rights-based Health Policies and Programs in the Andean Region of Latin America(externer Link)
Public Health, Health Services Research, Social Medicine MItigating the effects of the paNDemic on health workers – preparing and responding (MIND)(externer Link)
Social and Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology A comparative study of COVID-19 tests in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Uganda: Situating the knowns and unknowns in the COVID-19 pandemic(externer Link)
Political Science
Empirical Social Research
Social and Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology
Ecology of Land Use
In dire need of protection of life: The dynamics between health and security during the Covid19 pandemic in conflict-affected territories in Colombia(externer Link)
Social and Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology COVID-19 and pastoralism in a context of rupture and structural reforms in Benin: Learning from uncertainty management from below(externer Link)
General Education and History of Education
Education Systems and Educational Institutions
Education Systems and COVID-19 Management in Central Africa(externer Link)
Urbanism, Spatial Planning, Transportation and Infrastructure Planning, Landscape Planning Urban waterscapes and the pandemic – changing water practices, technologies and infrastructures in Nairobi(externer Link)
Public Health, Health Services Research, Social Medicine
Empirical Social Research
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Child Marriage, Sexual and Reproductive Health, and Domestic Violence in India and Zambia(externer Link)
Communication Sciences
Information Systems, Process and Knowledge Management
"Spreading the Antidote – The Framing of COVID-19 Vaccination Campaigns in the Brazilian Social Media Sphere"(externer Link)
Empirical Social Research Varieties of COVID-19 Reactions and Changing Modes of Globalization in the Global South(externer Link)