Research on pathogens, diseases and pandemics
Pathogens and diseases with pandemic potential feature in many DFG-funded projects, especially research groups that bring together biological and clinical expertise. Many projects are concerned with research questions that are not directly related to the current coronavirus pandemic but deal with a wide spectrum of fundamental questions that may be relevant to pandemics.
BiodivERsA-Call „Biodiversity and its influence on animal, human and plant health“
Since March 2020, the DFG together with European partner organisations have been funding projects submitted under the call “Biodiversity and its influence on animal, human and plant health” of the European network BiodivERs(externer Link). In September 2020, the European Commission decided to provide additional funding for the following two projects under this call, each of which will enable a supplementary programme of research relating to the COVID-19 pandemic to be added to the original work programme. The European Commission’s additional funding will be allocated proportionately to several researchers from Europe based on their participation in the supplementary activities of the project.