Research on pathogens, diseases and pandemics

Pathogens and diseases with pandemic potential feature in many DFG-funded projects, especially research groups that bring together biological and clinical expertise. Many projects are concerned with research questions that are not directly related to the current coronavirus pandemic but deal with a wide spectrum of fundamental questions that may be relevant to pandemics.

BiodivERsA-Call „Biodiversity and its influence on animal, human and plant health“

Since March 2020, the DFG together with European partner organisations have been funding projects submitted under the call “Biodiversity and its influence on animal, human and plant health” of the European network BiodivERsA(externer Link). In September 2020, the European Commission decided to provide additional funding for the following two projects under this call, each of which will enable a supplementary programme of research relating to the COVID-19 pandemic to be added to the original work programme. The European Commission’s additional funding will be allocated proportionately to several researchers from Europe based on their participation in the supplementary activities of the project.

List of funded Projects:

Subject Area Project in GEPRIS
Microbial Ecology and Applied Microbiology
Ecology and Biodiversity of Plants and Ecosystems
Ecology and Biodiversity of Animals and Ecosystems, Organismic Interactions
since 2019
Biodiversity changes in African forests and Emerging Infectious Diseases: should we worry?(externer Link)
Ecology and Biodiversity of Plants and Ecosystems
Ecology and Biodiversity of Animals and Ecosystems, Organismic Interactions
Parasitology and Biology of Tropical Infectious Disease Pathogens
since 2019
Managing biodiversity in forests and urban green spaces: dilution and amplification effects on rodent microbiomes and rodent-borne diseases (BioRodDis)(externer Link)
Funded between 2010 to 2022
TRR 84: Innate Immunity of the Lung: Mechanisms of Pathogen Attack and Host Defence in Pneumonia(externer Link)
Microbiology, Virology and Immunology
Funded between 2010 to 2015
GRK 1673: Functional Molecular Infection Epidemiology(externer Link)
Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine
since 2013
SFB 1021: RNA Viruses: RNA Metabolism, Host Response and Pathogenesis(externer Link)
Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine
Funded between 2013 to 2020
SPP 1596: Ecology and Species Barriers in Emerging Viral Diseases(externer Link)
since 2014
SFB 1129: Integrative Analysis of Pathogen Replication and Spread(externer Link)
Funded between 2014 to 2019
Occult hepatitis B virus infection and reactivation in Africans in the context of the human immunodeficiency virus pandemic(externer Link)
Funded between 2014 to 2019
Tetherin antagonism by the Ebola virus glycoprotein: Molecular mechanism and contribution to viral spread(externer Link)
Funded between 2015 to 2020
Emerging viruses in Africa: Molecular identification and characterisation of rodent-, shrew-, and bat-borne hantaviruses and assessment of their public health potential(externer Link)
Gynaecology and Obstetrics
since 2015
Influenza during pregnancy: The emergence of highly virulent H1N1 influenza virus strains and consequences for maternal and offspring’s health(externer Link)
Funded between 2015 to 2020
Determinants for Norovirus Host and Cell Tropism(externer Link)
since 2016
KFO 309: Virus-induced Lung Injury: Pathobiology and Novel Therapeutic Strategies(externer Link)
Funded between 2016 to 2020
Harnessing layers of CD4 T cell immunity for HIV vaccine design(externer Link)
Veterinary Medical Sciene
Funded between 2016 to 2022
Bunyavirus and Paramyxovirus infections at the interface between wildlife, livestock and humans in Nigeria and Cameroon(externer Link)
since 2016
Impact of viral and cellular protein phosphorylation on the regulation of innate antiviral immune responses against influenza A virus infections(externer Link)
since 2016
Molecular biology and spill-over potential of bat influenza A-like viruses(externer Link)
Funded between 2016 to 2020
Role of IFN-lambda in host defense against respiratory virus infections(externer Link)
Structural Biology
since 2017
Understanding the Mechanism of Yellow Fever 17D vaccine Efficacy: An Immuni-Structural Approach towards the Design of a Pan-Flavivirus Vaccine(externer Link)
Parasitology and Biology of Tropical Infectious Disease Pathogens
since 2017
Identification of virus transmission networks to control key arboviral diseases in Kenya(externer Link)
since 2018
Molecular mechanisms of Zika virus-associated neuropathogenesis and possible link to virus evolution(externer Link)
Funded between 2018 to 2021
Kinetics and immunology of early Ebola virus infection (PREVIREMIX)(externer Link)
Medical Microbiology and Mycology, Hygiene, Molecular Infection Biology
since 2018
A combined modeling framework to break the lethal alliance between influenza and bacterial coinfections(externer Link)
Microbiology, Virology and Immunology
Basic Research in Biology and Medicine
since 2019
EXC 2155: RESIST - Resolving Infection Susceptibility(externer Link)
Microbiology, Virology and Immunology
Basic Research in Biology and Medicine
since 2019
EXC 2151: ImmunoSensation2 - the immune sensory system(externer Link)
Basic Research in Biology and Medicine
Computer Science
Microbiology, Virology and Immunology
Optics, Quantum Optics and Physics of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas
since 2019
EXC 2167: Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation (PMI)(externer Link)
since 2019
Exploring the mechanisms of cytokine storm induction and systemic infection by highly pathogenic influenza viruses(externer Link)
Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine
since 2019
The postnatal maturation of human innate immunity against influenza infections and the associated risk for severe influenza diseases in dependence on the developing gut microbiome(externer Link)
since 2019
Enhanced respiratory syncytial virus disease or protection from infection depends on the subtype used for adenoviral vector vaccination(externer Link)