COVID-19 Focus Funding: Measures to Prevent Infection in Social Settings and Population Groups

In this call under COVID-19 Focus Funding, the DFG is inviting proposals on measures to prevent infection in social settings and population groups. In the absence of widespread vaccination or effective medicines against COVID-19, protection against infection currently relies on implementing measures to change people’s behaviour and on changes to social norms. The acceptance, feasibility, implementation as well as the effectiveness of the measures vary among social settings and different group of populations. This means that in certain social settings, measures to prevent infection are only possible to a limited extent or are associated with high social and societal costs. The impact of these barriers against becoming infected in social settings is unclear. Likewise, the acceptance of behavioural recommendations among different population groups also varies.

List of funded Projects:

Subject Area Project in GEPRIS
Public Health, Health Services Research, Social Medicine Covid Apps for young adults for preventing transmission and promoting vaccination among refugees(externer Link)
Social Psychology, Industrial and Organisational Psychology Adherence to protective measures during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of trust in science(externer Link)
Empirical Social Research
Human Factors, Ergonomics, Human-Machine Systems
Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions and Social Context Analysis for Safe Events(externer Link)
Differential, Clinical and Medical Psychology, Methods Social Status and the Spread of Pandemics(externer Link)
Social Psychology, Industrial and Organisational Psychology Effects of Organizational Climate on Adherence to COVID-19 Guidelines: A Moderated Mediation Model(externer Link)
Economic Policy, Applied Economics
Business Administration
ECOS – European COVID Survey(externer Link)
Empirical Social Research Understanding Non-Compliance with Prevention Measures against COVID-19 Infections in Germany [U-COMPLY](externer Link)
Economic Policy, Applied Economics Does discourse breed an appetite for Covid-19 vaccination? An online experiment on group dynamics, arguments, and narratives(externer Link)
Social Psychology, Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Differential, Clinical and Medical Psychology, Methods
Change in Covid-19-related worries and fears, risk perceptions, and prevention behaviors over the course of the pandemic: Longitudinal prediction of prevention-related outcomes in a vulnerable sample of formerly unemployed individuals(externer Link)
Public Health, Health Services Research, Social Medicine
Epidemiology and Medical Biometry, Medical/Statistics
Enhance the willingness of healthcare workers to be vaccinated against COVID-19 in Germany(externer Link)
Economic Policy, Applied Economics
General, Cognitive and Mathematical Psychology
Behavioral Barriers in the Covid-19 Vaccination Process(externer Link)
Public Health, Health Services Research, Social Medicine Feasibility of involving trained community mediators in COVID-19 prevention measures (COVID-TCM)(externer Link)