COVID-19 Focus Funding: Exploiting Spatial Data as a Basis for Decision-making as Part of Pandemic Control

Funding will be provided for the development and demonstration of innovative and creative approaches to data evaluation for a detailed spatio-temporal analysis of infection events. The aim should be, for example, to establish the basis for early detection of outbreaks (also on a local scale) or evaluate prevention and containment measures. Projects can either use innovative approaches to analyse pandemic events to date or set out to develop monitoring systems. Proposals and other proposal documents should be in English and should be submitted via the elan portal under “Fokus COVID-19: Erschließen räumlicher Daten” by 25 May 2021.

List of funded Projects:

Subject Area Project in GEPRIS
Epidemiology and Medical Biometry, Medical/Statistics
Massively Parallel and Data-Intensive Systems
Statistical Physics, Soft Matter, Biological Physics, Nonlinear Dynamics
Deep learning-based parameter estimation of high spatial resolution mathematical models for the spread and control of COVID-19 in Germany(externer Link)
Information Systems, Process and Knowledge Management Designing an Integrative, Comprehensive, Sustainable and Secure Pandemic Data Donation Project in Germany(externer Link)
Epidemiology and Medical Biometry, Medical/Statistics
Human Geography
Spatial-temporal Analysis of small-scale Determinants of the Covid-19 Pandemic(externer Link)
Epidemiology and Medical Biometry, Medical/Statistics
Information Systems, Process and Knowledge Management
Utilization of spatially resolved data sources for an established agent-based model of Germany and its impact on predicted SARS-CoV-2 dynamics(externer Link)
Statistics and Econometrics
Epidemiology and Medical Biometry, Medical/Statistics
Advanced Spatial Statistical Modelling of COVID-19 Data(externer Link)
Human Geography Socio-spatial diffusion of COVID-19 in Germany(externer Link)
Human Geography
Public Health, Health Services Research, Social Medicine
Space-time exploration of COVID-19 data and local risk factors in Berlin: the example of the district of Neukölln(externer Link)
Security and Dependability
Clinical Infectiology and Tropical Medicine
Privacy-preserving Contact Context Estimation(externer Link)
Statistical Physics, Soft Matter, Biological Physics, Nonlinear Dynamics
Epidemiology and Medical Biometry, Medical/Statistics
Bayesian Regression Model to Analyze, Predict and Control the Spreading of COVID-19 in Germany with High Spatial Resolution(externer Link)
Economic Policy, Applied Economics Covid-19 as amplifier of social inequality- SMall ARea Analyses with German neighborhood Data (SMARAGD)(externer Link)