Schmuckbild: Erkenntnistransferprojekte

Knowledge Transfer Projects

Transfer projects can be proposed in all DFG-funded scientific disciplines. These are projects in the pre-competitive area in which a research question is worked on together with an application partner (either a commercial enterprise or a non-commercial, non-profit institution).

Such projects serve to pursue the practical application of scientific findings and the outcomes of basic research (e.g. through prototypes, an exemplary application or concepts for practical use). Projects are also expected to provide fresh impetus for basic scientific research.

Further information

Proposals can be submitted for transfer projects under numerous DFG funding programmes and in all academic disciplines funded by the DFG. Proposals for knowledge transfer projects may be submitted under Individual Grants programmes as well as under the DFG’s coordinated programmes. There are also knowledge transfer funding options in cooperation with Fraunhofer institutes as well as programmes designed especially for applicants at universities of applied sciences.

General questions

Christiane Mohren
Kathrin Spenna

Further Contact Persons

Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Heidrich
Dr.-Ing. Bastian Mohr