NFDI Conference 2020

The second NFDI conference took place on 8-9 July 2020 as a webinar.


The NFDI conference had three aims. First, the DFG provided representatives of prospective consortia with information about the NFDI, its overall aims, and key points relating to proposal submission. Second, it enabled all consortia, regardless of their stage of planning or approval, to network with one another. Third, the director of the newly established NFDI Directorate, Professor Dr. York Sure-Vetter, introduced himself during the conference. The Directorate will support self-organisation and networking between the consortia in relation to cross-consortium services, services relevant to particular disciplines or to data, and other topics.


Requirements for Participation by (Prospective) Consortia

All representatives of consortia regardless of their stage of planning or approval were requested to submit an abstract. The abstract is a requirement for active participation in this year's conference, which includes a presentation of the (prospective) consortium. In addition to the main formal details, the abstracts contain information about user requirements and the objectives of the (prospective) consortium. The abstract is intended solely as preparation for the NFDI conference. It is non-binding with regard to any later proposal and review and should reflect the status of discussions and planning prior to the conference.

Conference Abstracts

Conference Materials

If you like, you can use #NFDIKonf2020 for your social media/twitter communication on the topic.
