This is a selection of very important subject-specific statements from different research communities. They are very useful for planning and organizing of research data handling, but they are not binding for DFG-projects.
- Statement by the Academy of Sociology on the handling of research data in sociology (2019(Download) (in German only)
- Statement by the Executive Board and Council of the German Sociological Association (DGS) on the Provision and Subsequent Use of Research Data in Sociology (2019(Download)
(in German only) - Position paper issued by the German Anthropological Association (GAA) on the handling of anthropological research data (2019(externer Link)
- "Material Science" Review Board on the handling of research data (2018(Download) (in German only)
- Research Data Management in the Social, Behavioural and Economic Sciences – Guidance issued by the German Data Forum (2018(Download) (in German only)
- Position paper issued by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Volkskunde e.V. on the archiving, provision and subsequent use of research data (2018(externer Link) (in German only)
- Recommendations issued by the Executive Board of the DGP (German Psychological Society) on the handling of research data in psychological science (2016(Download)
- Provision and use of quantitative research data in educational research: memorandum issued by the DFG Review Board "Educational Research" (2014(Download) (in German only)