ANR-DFG Funding Programme for the Humanities and Social Sciences
Since 2007, the agreement between the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) in France and the DFG on research cooperation in the humanities and social sciences has enabled the funding of integrated German-French research projects.
The funding programme is designed to expand and intensify German-French cooperation in the humanities and social sciences. There are no specifications as to research topics. Proposals for projects with components of data-related infrastructures are also possible. This creates the basis for long-term German-French collaborations and networks.
As well as the general intensification of German-French research cooperation, the programme also has two other goals. By bringing together national scholarly traditions in certain fields of research, it aims to encourage the humanities and social sciences in both countries to produce results that are relevant to important social or political problems that cross borders. It is also intended to leverage and demonstrate the advantages of multilingualism in science and academia in fields where German and French are still important languages of scholarship.
Special attention is given to the integrated character of proposed projects, from the concept to the work plan. Funding is only available for projects which involve a convincing collaboration between the German and French partners and for which the anticipated research benefit is clearly outlined. Projects can be funded for a period of up to three years.
DFG contact for questions relating to project content:
DFG contact for questions relating to formal requirements:
- Michael Sommerhof, Tel. +49 228 885-2017, Michael.Sommerhof@dfg.d(externer Link)
Forms and guidelines
- 54.01 - Proposal Preparation Instructions - Project Proposal(interner Link)
- 50.01 - Guidelines for Research Grant Programm(interner Link)
Further Information
FAQs on Proposals
You only need to register if you are submitting a proposal to the DFG for the first time. This process is not automatic but is handled by our staff. For this reason, please allow at least 24 hours for this process to be completed. Once you are registered you can start submitting your proposal in elan.
On the German side, applicants are the individuals who are applying for funds from the DFG. The French applicants are cooperation partners and should be entered as such in elan. All other persons listed from both countries do not need to be entered in elan. This includes staff for whom funds are requested.
Proposals can be submitted at any time during the call up to the deadline date. We encourage not waiting until the last day to submit your proposal. Especially if you are not yet familiar with elan and may possibly have technical questions, you should act before this date. We also cannot guarantee that our phone lines will always be free on the day of the deadline, as this is when demand tends to be particularly high.