FAQ: Funding Opportunity for Dutch-German Basic Research Projects in Fields of the Sciences (NWO Domain Science – DFG)
- Topic/Scop(externer Link)
- Eligibilit(externer Link)
- Industry cooperatio(externer Link)
- Proposal preparatio(externer Link)
- Application procedur(externer Link)
- Project duratio(externer Link)
- Budget for the project part in German(externer Link)
- Ethics vote(externer Link)
- Proposal submission procedur(externer Link)
- CV(externer Link)
- Review/decision proces(externer Link)
- Proposal processing tim(externer Link)
Since this is a collaboration between the DFG and the NWO Domain Science, only proposals within the scope of both organisations can be submitted. This means that joint research proposals within the scope of basic/knowledge-driven research must be in the remit of the NWO Domain Science (Astronomy, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Sciences, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Physics) and the corresponding DFG review boards (see NWO-DFG Pilot Scop(Download)).
As to the remit of the NWO Domain Science, we recommend the partners in the Netherlands to directly consult with the NWO (e-mail: ENW-M@nwo.n(externer Link)).
You should have a joint scientific goal, but each partner should contribute a distinctive part to the work programme pursued to reach this goal.
If in doubt whether your planned proposal meets the scope of the pilot call, please contact the NWO separately via email (e-mail: ENW-M@nwo.n(externer Link)). However, please note that for proposals with a (partial) domain-overarching component, the core of the research proposal must fit one or more of the seven disciplines of the Domain Science as well as one of the open review boards of the DFG.
The eligibility rules of the DFG’s "Sachbeihilfe/Research Grants Programme" apply. This includes the “duty to cooperate” (Kooperationspflicht) within Germany for members of non-university institutions with permanent positions. The duty to cooperate for DFG applicants at non-university research institutions can only be fulfilled through cooperation with a partner at a German university (see DFG form 55.0(interner Link)) and not with a partner at a Dutch university.
Industry cooperation
The focus is on curiosity-driven fundamental scientific research. In the NWO-DFG pilot, commercial companies must not be included as research/cooperation partners.
Proposal preparation
No, the choice is completely free and we do not make any recommendations. The funding threshold of 20% applies in both countries.
Application procedure
Submission is possible at any time until the end of the pilot phase on 31 July 2027. Funded projects may extend beyond this date. They do not end on 31 July 2027.
Project duration
Yes, the maximum project duration of the DFG-NWO pilot is three years in accordance with the DFG’s "Sachbeihilfe/Research Grants Programme".
Please note that the project duration is independent of the choice of the Lead Agency, i.e. with the NWO as the Lead Agency, a joint project can also run for a maximum of 3 years.
Budget for the project part in Germany
The standard rules of the DFG’s "Sachbeihilfe/Research Grants Programme" apply, i.e. there is no fixed limit. Applicants can apply for the budget that is actually needed to conduct the project. The budget needs to be reasonable and well explained. Reviewers and review boards will look at the budget as part of the review/evaluation process. Budgets might be reduced in the process.
Please note that for the project part in the Netherlands the NWO budget rules and regulations apply.
The standard rules of the DFG’s "Sachbeihilfe/Research Grants Programme" apply (see Guidelines Research Module - DFG form 50.0(interner Link) and Basic Module - DFG form 52.0(interner Link)).
Ethics votes
Yes, the submission of an ethics vote of the local German ethics committee is necessary even if only the project part abroad is affected, as it is a cooperation project. However, the local German ethics committee can make use of a Dutch ethics vote.
Please note that if an ethics vote is required for the German or the Dutch part of the project, it must be submitted together with the proposal to the DFG (regardless of whether the DFG acts as Lead or Partner Agency). However, in exceptional cases, an ethics vote by the responsible local German ethics committee can be submitted no later than three months after proposal submission. Otherwise, the funding organisations may stop processing the proposal.
Proposal submission procedure
Please submit your proposal under Proposal Submission – New Project as a “Proposal for a Research Grant” in the Individual Grants Programme. During the submission process, you need to select the call “NWO-DFG Pilot 2024-2027 DFG-Lead(interner Link). Please see also the website on Funding Opportunity for Dutch-German Basic Research Projects in Fields of the Sciences (NWO Domain Science – DFG(interner Link).
Even if the NWO acts as Lead Agency and CVs are not part of the NWO proposal documents, the DFG always requires the CVs of the applicants (i.e. on both sides and regardless of the role as Lead or Partner Agency). All CVs submitted to DFG must comply with the DFG's requirements for CV(interner Link).
Review/decision process
Yes, they do. Projects within this pilot are not evaluated separately. The proposals are evaluated in comparison with all other proposals.
The threshold of 20% applies, i.e. the proposals among the best 20% are recommended by the Lead Agency for funding.
Even when the DFG acts as Partner Agency, proposals with funding recommendations must be approved by the respective DFG Review Board and the DFG Joint Committee.
Proposal processing time
We have no experience yet, but about 9-12 months upon proposal submission are expected.