Villa Vigoni – German-Italian Centre for the European Dialogue

Villa Vigoni is a binational association funded by the Federal Republic of Germany and the Italian Republic. One of its tasks is to deepen scientific cooperation between the two countries. Emphasis is placed on German-Italian dialogue.

The programme developed within the framework of these agreements includes regular announcements for events in various formats, designed to promote exchange and networking between researchers in the humanities and social sciences.

More information about the programme and calls is available on the official website(externer Link).

Villa Vigoni Discussions

Under an agreement with the DFG, Villa Vigoni is again inviting submission of proposals for a programme of German-Italian events to promote the humanities and social sciences in 2026.

The programme’s objectives are to include an exploration of current challenges facing the humanities and social sciences from a comparative German and Italian perspective and also the mobilisation of fresh links between German and Italian research. There need not be an exclusive focus on German-Italian subject matter. The aim is to reflect Villa Vigoni’s institutional mission to promote “German-Italian relations in research, education and culture in the spirit of European cooperation”, as well as enabling early career academics to get together.

The Villa Vigoni Talks form the core of the programme. These are devoted to topics that enable more in-depth debate on European culture, history and society. The focus here is on intense person-to-person dialogue as a deliberate departure from the usual conference formats. The number of participants is limited to a maximum of 25.

Proposals are to be submitted by 1 December 2024.

Trilateral Research Conferences „Villa Vigoni“

To promote long-term dialogue and networking between researchers in the humanities and social sciences in Germany, France and Italy while expressly supporting the use of German, French and Italian as languages of scholarship, the DFG, the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (FMSH) and Villa Vigoni have developed the Trilateral Research Conferences programme, in which multilingualism is a key principle. Each trilateral research conference consists of a series of three events, which are held on a yearly basis where possible.

Proposals can be submitted to Villa Vigoni until 14 April 2024.

Villa Vigoni contact

Simona Della Torre, Tel.: +39 0344 361 11,

DFG contact