FAQ: International


The submission of proposals for research projects with international participation is possible at any time within the entire DFG funding portfolio. There are also agreements on special funding opportunities with some countries and regions. In addition to project funding, funding is also available to intensify international cooperation.

In case of a project proposal with international participation, the funding principles for international cooperation must be observed.

There are various funding options for international cooperation: All DFG programmes are open to international cooperation. Information on all programmes and the relevant guidelines can be found at:

For special funding opportunities (e.g. calls for proposals) with specific countries and regions and the relevant guidelines, see:

The DFG offers funding opportunities to intensify and initiate international cooperation. For details of the various programmes and the relevant guidelines, see:

Please also read the FAQ on other topics:

The DFG plays an active role in shaping international research policy. In accordance with its international and European strategy, it is institutionally represented in various scientific and science policy organisations and bodies at European and global level and maintains relations with a large number of foreign partner organisations on all continents. DFG offices abroad serve to intensify cooperation with specific countries and continents. The DFG promotes Germany as a location for science and research internationally.