International Cooperation in Collaborative Research Centres
The aim of promoting international cooperation through the Collaborative Research Centre programme (or CRC/Transregio programme) is to establish and/or expand international networking structures with scientists and academics abroad. Prerequisites for their integration are the scientific excellence of the projects in question and their logical thematic relationship to the overall concept.
Cross-border scientific cooperation is essential for the international competitiveness and attractiveness of Collaborative Research Centres and CRC/Transregios. The aim of funding this type of cooperation through the CRC programme is to establish and expand international networking structures between Collaborative Research Centres and scientific partners abroad.
Type and Scope of Funding
The DFG makes funding available to the Collaborative Research Centres or CRC/Transregios for travel, colloquia and visiting professors for the purposes of maintaining international contacts and presenting findings to an international audience. Additional funding may be applied for in order to develop project-like cooperation structures. This funding can also be used to finance long-term cooperation projects with comparable centres of excellence abroad (centre-to-centre cooperation). Scientists and academics can also lead (either individually or jointly) their own projects abroad, although funding for these is to be received by one of the DFG's international partner organisation..
Foreign Locations of CRC/Transregios
As part of the CRC/Transregio programme, one of the locations may be abroad. This usually requires intensive coordination between the DFG and the participating foreign partner organisation in order to regulate funding and review procedures and funding decisions.
Funding Requirements
Project requirements include scientific excellence, logical thematic integration into the overall concept and a high level of added value for the Collaborative Research Centre or CRC/Transregio. The programme’s aim of creating local structures must also be given due consideration.
Co-Funding by the Foreign Partner Organisation
The promotion of cross-border cooperation projects is based on the principle of mutual responsibility. It is expected that the expenses occurred by scientists and academics abroad will be borne either by their institution or by a funding organisation in the country in question. The DFG supports this integration by providing additional funding for travel, colloquia and visiting scientists. Provided that certain conditions are fulfilled, the DFG may also provide funding for research cooperation with developing countries.
Further Information
Cooperation with Developing Countries
Other cooperation agreements with DFG partner organisations abroad may also apply
International Cooperation
Additional information on international cooperation within Collaborative Research Centres is available in (Chapter III.3):