Forms and Guidelines
Centres for Advances Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences
All guidelines, templates and further forms for this programme can be found in the below list.
Guidelines, templates and further forms for this programme were supplemented by the topics of sustainability in funding activities, dealing with risks in international cooperation and the use of generative “artificial intelligence” (AI).
Details on the specific scope of change and the applicable transition periods can be found under the following link.
Please note: As of now, please use the new guidelines and proposal templates of the respective programmes. As of 1 September 2024, proposals following the old model are no longer accepted. The additions regarding the handling of generative AI in the “Guidelines for the Review” apply with immediate effect.
Proposal Submission
Here, you find all forms relevant for proposal submission.
Programme Guidelines
The Guidelines Centres for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences describe the content of the programme, in particular the programme objective, the eligibility requirements and the modules that can be applied for in order to achieve the objective.
No. | Language | Title [version] | Download |
50.09 | DE | Merkblatt Kolleg-Forschungsgruppen [10/24] | |
EN | Guidelines Centres for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences [10/24] |
Module Guidelines
Under the Centres for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences programme, you may submit one or more modules. The module guidelines describe the content of the respective module.
No. | Language | Title [version] | Download |
52.01 | DE | Modul Basismodul [09/24] | |
EN | Module Basic Module [09/24] | ||
52.03 | DE | Modul Vertretung [02/19] | |
EN | Module Replacements [02/19] | ||
52.04 | DE | Modul Rotationsstellen [09/22] | |
EN | Module Temporary Substitutes for Clinicians [09/22] | ||
52.06 | DE | Modul Projektspezifische Workshops [09/22] | |
EN | Module Project-Specific Workshops [09/22] | ||
52.07 | DE | Modul Öffentlichkeitsarbeit [10/11] | |
EN | Module Public Relations [10/11] | ||
52.10 | DE | Modul Professur [10/23] | |
EN | Module Professorships [10/23] | ||
52.11 | DE | Modul Anschubförderung [06/12] | |
EN | Module Start-Up Funding [06/12] | ||
52.12 | DE | Modul Koordinierung [05/21] | |
EN | Module Coordination [05/21] | ||
52.13 | DE | Modul Verbundmittel [10/11] | |
EN | Module Network Funds [10/11] | ||
52.14 | DE | Modul Pauschale für Chancengleichheitsmaßnahmen [11/20] | |
EN | Module Standard Allowance for Gender Equality Measures [11/20] |
Proposal Preparation Instructions
The instructions assist you in preparing a proposal. It provides information on which data and information the DFG requires in order to process your proposal.
No. | Language | Title [version] | Download |
54.04 | DE | Leitfaden für die Antragstellung - Antragsskizze, Einrichtungs- und Fortsetzungsantrag Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe [10/24] | |
EN | Proposal Preparation Instructions - Draft Proposals and Proposals to Establish or Renew Centres for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences [10/24] |
elan Templates
Here, you find the elan templates that you need for electronic proposal submission. The templates are also provided via the elan portal.
When preparing your proposal, please use the relevant template to describe the project. If you cannot use the template, please make sure to use the outline provided. Please enclose the project description as a PDF file to the electronic template.
Draft Proposal
No. | Language | Title [version] | Download |
53.23 elan | DE | Beschreibung des Vorhabens - Antragsskizze Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe [10/24] | RTF |
EN | Project Description – Draft Proposal Centre for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences [10/24] | RTF | |
80.02 | DE | Verpflichtungserklärung zur Anwendbarkeit der Verfahrensordnung zum Umgang mit wissenschaftlichem Fehlverhalten (VerfOwF) [08/19] | PDF, RTF |
EN | Declaration of Obligation of Compliance and Applicability of the DFG’s Rules of Procedure for Dealing with Scientific Misconduct [08/19] | PDF, RTF |
Supplementary Instructions and Templates
No. | Language | Title [version] | Download |
53.200 elan | DE | Curriculum Vitae [03/23] | RTF |
EN | Curriculum Vitae [03/23] | RTF | |
54.014 | DE | Ergänzender Leitfaden zu Erkenntnistransferprojekten - Einzelförderung, Schwerpunktprogramm, Forschungsgruppe [04/22] | |
EN | Supplementary Instructions for Knowledge Transfer Projects - Individual Grants, Priority Programmes, Research Units - [04/22] |
Review Process
No. | Language | Title [version] | Download |
10.216 | DE | Hinweise für die Begutachtung von Antragsskizzen Kolleg-Forschungsgruppen [10/24] | |
EN | Guidelines for the Review of Draft Proposals for Centres for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Science [10/24] | ||
10.217 | DE | Hinweise für die Begutachtung von Einrichtungs- bzw. Fortsetzungsanträgen Kolleg-Forschungsgruppen [10/24] | |
EN | Guidelines for the Review of Proposals to Establish or Renew Centres for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences [10/24] |
Final Reports
No. | Language | Title [version] | Download |
2.015 | DE | Leitfaden mit Hinweisen zu Abschlussberichten von Forschungsgruppen und Kolleg-Forschungsgruppen [04/21] |
Other Forms
No. | Language | Title [version] | Download |
1.90 | DE | Empfehlungen für das Erstellen von Betreuungsvereinbarungen [08/22] | |
1.91 | DE | Hinweise zu Publikationsverzeichnissen [09/22] | |
EN | Guidelines for Preparing Publication Lists [09/22] | ||
10.03 | EN | Personalfragebogen für Mitarbeitende in DFG-Sachbeihilfe | |
22.30 | EN | Antrag auf Reparatur / Ersatz / Ergänzung eines DFG-finanzierten Gerät | |
22.40 | DE | Kfz-Einsatzplanung [03/09] | RTF |
41.01 | DE | Werkvertrag [05/21] | RTF |
41.026 | DE | Muster für einen Kooperationsvertrag zwischen Forschungseinrichtungen und gewerblichen Unternehmen [08/23] | RTF |
EN | Model of a Cooperation Agreement between Academic Research Institutions and Commercial Enterprise [08/23] | RTF | |
41.026a | DE | Muster für einen Kooperationsvertrag zwischen Forschungseinrichtungen und gemeinnützigen privatrechtlichen Einrichtungen oder Einrichtungen aus dem öffentlichen Bereich (nichtgewerbliche Anwendungspartner) [05/22] | RTF |
EN | Model of a Cooperation Agreement between Academic Research Institutions and Not-for-Profit Private Institutions or Public Institutions (Non-Commercial Application Partners) [05/22] | RTF | |
55.01 | DE | Hinweise Kooperationspflicht [06/19] | |
EN | Guidelines on the Duty to Cooperate [06/19] | ||
55.02 | DE | Hinweise zur Bezahlung von Promovierenden [10/24] | |
55.03 | DE | Richtwerte für die Beantragung und Abrechnung von Mitteln für Versuchstiere [01/23] | |
55.04 | DE | Hinweise zu Gerätenutzungskosten und zu Gerätezentren [07/24] | |
EN | Guidelines for Instrumentation Usage Costs and Core Facilities [07/24] | ||
60.12 | DE | Personalmittelsätze der DF | |
infcard1 | DE | Informationcard "Entscheidungsprozess der DFG" [09/07] |