Research Impulses
With the funding programme „Research Impulses”, the DFG offers an instrument to fund research consortia at research-oriented universities of applied sciences (UAS). As part of a comprehensive package of measures, the funding instrument supports UAS in further developing their research profile, increasing their competitiveness by concentrating and advancing existing research approaches, and enhancing the conditions for knowledge-driven research at the UAS long-term.
The funding line seeks to support UAS in further developing their research profile and enhancing the conditions for knowledge-driven research at the universities in order to better tap into the potential of UAS for the German research system.
HAW and FH in Germany are eligible to submit proposals.
Project Requirements
High scientific quality and originality; a demanding and well-founded work programme; clear added value of collaboration; researchers with a proven track record; promotion of researchers in early career phases and gender equality among researchers; professional management; an appropriate core support in terms of personnel, finance and infrastructure; long-term perspective.
Type and Extent of Funding
A maximum of €1 million per funding year (plus programme allowance for indirect project costs). These funds can be applied for and used in a flexible manner to cover the cost of personnel, direct project costs and instrumentation costs.
Funding Duration
The total funding duration is up to 8 years.
A first funding period of 5 years + 3 additional years after approval of a renewal proposal.
Forms and Guidelines
- Deadline for the submission of letters of intent: 4 December 2024, 12 p.m. (noon)
- Deadline for the submission of draft proposals for new research impulses: 12 February 2025, 12 p.m. (noon)
Proposal submission involves a two-stage review process, consisting of a draft proposal phase and a full proposal phase. All proposals are evaluated by review panels that are fittingly selected with regard to subject matter and content. The funding decision is made by the Joint Committe(interner Link) on the recommendation of the Senat(interner Link).
- Call for proposals for the third round (in German only(interner Link)
- To the FAQ (in German only(interner Link)
- Guidelines and Sample Letter of Intent (in German only(Download)
- Sample Draft Proposal (in German only, English version will be available soon(interner Link)
- Guidelines for the preparation of a Draft Proposal (in German only, English version will be available soon(interner Link)
- Information on the DFG Code of Conduct "Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice" (in German only(interner Link)
- Information for programme allowances for indirect project costs (in German only(interner Link)
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