Information on the Proposal, Review and Decision-Making Process
The following information describes the process of submitting a proposal under the Research Training Group Programme.
Do you and some of your colleagues at your university and possibly another research institution, who may be from any research area or faculty, with whom you cooperate, want to work together on an innovative topic that is connected to a field of research in which your university has a leading position and that is suited to offering doctoral degrees in? If so, then you have already taken the first important step towards submitting a proposal for the establishment of a Research Training Group and are ready to go ahead. The proposal itself must always be submitted by one university that is eligible to apply and assumes responsibility for the proposal
The proposal process for Research Training Group proposals is described her(interner Link).
- Draft Proposal(externer Link)
- Establishment Proposal(externer Link)
- Deadline(externer Link)
- Renewal Proposals and Progress Repor(externer Link)
- Researchers from Universities of Applied Sciences (HAW/FH) Participating in Research Training Group(externer Link)
Draft Proposals
The proposal process is a two-stage process. In other words, you first need to submit a draft proposal.
If you wish to submit a proposal for an International Research Training Group (IRTG), please contact the DFG Head Office at an early stage, prior to submitting your draft proposal.
In preparation for an IRTG, you may also apply for funding for a preparatory workshop. Funding for such a workshop may only be applied for if you already have a specific project in mind for an IRTG. The workshop may be held either in Germany or in the potential partner’s country. Information on matching funding by the partner’s country can be obtained from the DFG Head Office.
The draft proposals are reviewed and evaluated by reviewers and members of the review boards. The Senate Committee on Research Training Groups gives the final recommendation regarding the submission of an establishment proposal. The review of the draft proposal is intended to provide the applicants with a rapid evaluation of the proposed project’s potential. Once the draft proposal has been reviewed, you (as the applicant) will be informed of the outcome of the review and of whether an establishment proposal is to be submitted as a second step. You can then submit an establishment proposal following consultation with the responsible programme officer from Research Training Groups and Career Support.
- Guidelines Research Training Groups and International Research Training Groups (DFG form 50.07(interner Link)
- Draft Proposal Preparation Instructions for Research Training Groups and International Research Training Groups (DFG form 1.303(interner Link)
- Proposal Preparation Instructions for preparatory meetings International Research Training Groups (DFG form 1.306(interner Link)
- Guidelines for Reviewing Draft Proposals to Establish Research Training Groups or International Research Training Groups (DFG form 1.304(interner Link)
Establishment Proposals
The process for submitting an establishment proposal is described in detail in the relevant forms and guidelines.
As soon as your proposal is received by the DFG Head Office, it will start arranging the review process, which will take place at your university.
If you have any questions while preparing either a draft proposal or an establishment proposal, please do not hesitate to contact the person responsible.
- Guidelines Research Training Groups and International Research Training Groups (DFG form 50.07(interner Link)
- Proposal Preparation Instructions - Proposals to Establish Research Training Groups and International Research Training Groups (DFG form 54.05(interner Link)
- Guidelines for Reviewing Proposals to Establish or Renew Research Training Groups or International Research Training Groups (DFG form 1.305(interner Link)
Draft proposals, establishment proposals and applications for preparatory workshops for IRTGs may be submitted at any time, following consultation with the DFG Head Office.
Renewal Proposals and Progress Report
Renewal proposals should be submitted approximately a year before the end of the first funding period. You will receive a reminder inviting you to submit a renewal proposal by the DFG Head Office prior to the deadline. When submitting a renewal proposal, you will also be required to submit an interim report for the previous funding period.
Renewal proposals are reviewed at your university. To ensure that the planning for the review can start as early as possible, please submit the research profiles of all of the researchers involved in the renewal proposal as early as possible, and no later than three months before submitting your renewal proposal; please attach a brief summary describing the research programme, in particular detailing any changes relative to the original establishment proposal.
- Guidelines Research Training Groups and International Research Training Groups (DFG form 50.07(interner Link)
- Proposal Preparation Instructions for Research Training Groups and International Research Training Groups (Renewal Proposals) (DFG form 54.07(interner Link)
- Progress Report Preparation Instructions for Research Training Groups and International Research Training Groups (Renewal Proposals) (DFG form 54.08(interner Link)
Researchers from Universities of Applied Sciences (HAW/FH) Participating in Research Training Groups
Research Training Groups also offer the opportunity to initiate new types of collaboration in the structured training of doctoral researchers, such as cooperation between researchers at German universities of applied sciences (Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften (HAW) or Fachhochschule (FH)) and universities with the aim of establishing a collaborative doctoral programme. This gives outstanding HAW/FH graduates the opportunity to pursue a doctorate within a Research Training Group.
The establishment and expansion of this type of collaboration is promoted in various ways under the Research Training Groups programme. Researchers at universities of applied sciences (HAW/FH) can get involved in an establishment or renewal proposal for a Research Training Group or be integrated into an existing Research Training Group. In addition, it is possible to obtain funding for measures to prepare a joint Research Training Group of researchers at universities of applied sciences (HAW/FH) and universities.
Moreover, proposals for Research Training Groups can also be submitted to the DFG by universities of applied sciences (HAW/FH) that are able to guide doctoral researchers towards obtaining a doctorate in the subject areas relevant to the Research Training Group either independently or, depending on federal state regulations, in cooperation with a graduate institution. This provides the opportunity of supporting doctoral researchers within the framework of a focused research programme and a structured qualification programme, offering innovative and excellent research at their location.
- Hinweise zur Beteiligung von Wissenschaftler*innen von Fachhochschulen an Graduiertenkollegs (DFG form 1.308, only in German(interner Link)
- Leitfaden für Vorbereitungsmaßnahmen zur Beteiligung von Wissenschaftler*innen von Fachhochschulen an Graduiertenkollegs (DFG form 1.311, only in German(interner Link)