Clinical Trials
The Clinical Trials Programme enables individuals who have completed their academic training to conduct at any time patient-oriented clinical research within a temporary project.
The programme provides funding for interventional clinical studies, including feasibility studies (phase II) and interventional trials (phase III). The aim is to prove the efficacy of a new therapeutic, diagnostic or prognostic method. For all studies, high scientific quality and originality as well as clinical relevance are required.
The programme also funds observational trials, provided that the study investigates a highly relevant research question that cannot demonstrably be answered using an interventional design.
The Clinical Trials Programme enables individuals who have completed their academic training to conduct at any time patient-oriented clinical research within a temporary project.
The programme provides funding for interventional clinical studies, including feasibility studies (phase II) and interventional trials (phase III). The aim is to prove the efficacy of a new therapeutic, diagnostic or prognostic method. For all studies, high scientific quality and originality as well as clinical relevance are required.
The programme also funds observational trials, provided that the study investigates a highly relevant research question that cannot demonstrably be answered using an interventional design.
Further information on the types of studies can be found in the programme guidelines.
Eligibility Requirements
Researchers in Germany who have completed their academic training (a doctorate as a rule) are eligible.
Proposal Requirements
High international scientific quality and originality; clinical relevance
Type and Extent of Funding
Funding for staff, scientific equipment, consumables, travel, other costs (such as costs of monitoring, insurance for patients and/or test persons, recruiting costs, costs of supervisory boards (only costs related to the trial may be requested), payments to patients, third party services)
Funding Duration
The funding duration for feasibility studies is a maximum of 36 months; renewal proposals are not possible.
The funding duration of interventional trials and observational trials is initially 36 months. For longer studies, a renewal proposal may be submitted subsequently.
Forms and Guidelines
Feasibility studies involve a one-stage application process. Full proposals must be submitted directly; they may be submitted at any time.
Interventional trials involve a two-stage application process. In the initial stage, draft proposals can be submitted at any time. Full proposals may be submitted only after explicit invitation by the DFG. The invitation will be based on a previously approved draft proposal.
If an interventional trial is proposed on the basis of a feasibility study funded under this programme, the submission of a draft proposal is not required. In this case, a full proposal can be submitted directly.
Observational trials also involve a two-stage application process. In the initial stage, draft proposals can be submitted at any time. Full proposals may be submitted only after explicit invitation by the DFG. The invitation will be based on a previously approved draft proposal.
Further information on the proposal process can be found in the programme guidelines.
For Additional information:
For questions from the field of medicine
For questions from the field of neurology/psychiatry
For questions from the field of psychology
For General questions:
First letters A - F und S - Z
- Marion Rulle, Tel. 0228/885 - 2366, Marion.Rulle@dfg.d(externer Link)
First letters G - H
- Lhamo Schütter, Tel. 0228/885 - 2826, Lhamo.Schuetter@dfg.d(externer Link)
First letters I - R
- Claudia Ihlefeldt, Tel. 0228/885 - 2244, Claudia.Ihlefeldt@dfg.d(externer Link)