FAQ: Heisenberg Programme
Please consider the Heisenberg guidelines (form 50.03) as well as the Proposal Preparation Instructions (form 54.02).
Proposals may be submitted either in German or in English.
The average processing time for the Heisenberg Programme is approximately eight months.
For success rates and further statistics, please consult the DFG’s Annual Report.
When submitting your proposal, you do not need any documents from your prospective host institution. You may, however, add an informal letter of intent issued by your prospective host institution to your application files. If you are granted the funding you will have six months to select your Heisenberg funding type, host institution and starting date. You will have another six months to start the grant. Please use form 10.50 as well as the required documents (pointed out in the form) to communicate your choices to the DFG.
Please do not attach any endorsements from third parties to your proposal. Only the information provided in the proposal will be reviewed and evaluated. To make sure all applicants receive equal treatment, endorsements are not passed on to reviewers or decision-making bodies.
Tenure-track professors in Germany and individuals holding a permanent position in Germany comparable with W2/W3 salary grades are not eligible to apply. Other permanent employment contracts (e.g. position as an academic counsellor) are not excluded from funding eligibility. In such a case, please submit a statement by your employer that your current position will be paused during the Heisenberg funding period.
Researchers from abroad who have already achieved a full professorship are not eligible to apply.
Tenure-track professors in Germany are not eligible to apply for the Heisenberg Programme.
Professors from abroad are eligible to apply as long as they have not achieved a full professorship yet.
You may submit your Heisenberg proposal before your habilitation is completed. Please consider an average processing time of approximately eight months.
In addition to the eligibility criteria pointed out in the Heisenberg guidelines (form 50.03) you may be eligible to apply due to qualifications equivalent to a habilitation. As these qualifications may vary across the different subject areas, please contact the DFG Programme Contacts responsible for your subject area.
Within the scope of the four Heisenberg grant types, you will also receive flexible research
funding of €1,000 per month (Heisenberg professorship, Heisenberg position, Heisenberg temporary substitute position for clinicians) or a general allowance for direct project costs
(Heisenberg fellowship). Both also cover publication costs.
The flexible research funding (respectively the general allowance for direct project costs) may be used for a variety of cost items. They do not need to be spent monthly and can also be used for larger positions (e.g. workshops, conferences). The funds must be spent within the first funding period (36 months) respectively the second funding period (24 months). In justified cases, a cost-neutral extension of one year can be granted. For this matter, please contact the DFG Programme Contacts responsible for your subject area.
The flexible research funding (respectively the general allowance for direct project costs) also cover publication costs. Should the appropriate publication of your research findings made within the context of the Heisenberg grant call for a book format with high production costs, you may apply for additional funding of up to €5,000 per year. The request must be justified accordingly. Please note that costs for open access publication do not justify the application for additional funding.
An Individual Research Grant may be applied for simultaneously to your Heisenberg proposal or at a later stage during your Heisenberg funding.
If you plan to use your Heisenberg fellowship abroad please note the following: The DFG expects that expenses beyond the general allowance for direct project costs are covered by the host institution. An additional Individual Research Grant cannot be applied for. Exceptions are only possible if the funds are for the grant holder (not for the host institution) for instance field trip expenses or for costs which must be paid also by other staff at the host institution (e.g. costs for analyses).
Please note the Heisenberg Programme and the Programme Individual Research Grants are two separate programmes. Therefore, you are required to submit a proposal for each programme via the DFG’s elan portal. The decision on both proposals is usually made at the same time.
The module Temporary Positions for Principal Investigators and the Heisenberg Programme cannot be applied for simultaneously.
In addition to your Heisenberg grant, you may apply for project funding offered by national or international funding organization (e.g. a European Research Council Starting or Consolidator Grant). Please note that receiving funding for the same cost items is not possible.
It is up to the review board to decide whether applicants are invited to personal interviews. For further information, please direct your queries to the DFG Programme Contacts.
Selecting your Heisenberg funding type, host institution and starting date
You may await the decision on your proposal before selecting the Heisenberg funding type, your host institution and your starting date. After receiving the congratulations letter, you will have up to six months to make your choices. To actually start the grant, you will have another six months. Please use form 10.50 (plus the necessary documents outlined in the form) to communicate your choices to the DFG.
Although you do not have to choose the Heisenberg funding type when submitting your proposal, it is recommended to reach out to potential host institutions for your Heisenberg professorship as soon as possible. Get yourself acquainted with the decision-making processes and expected timelines at this (these) institution(s). If you are granted the funding, please use form 10.50 (plus the necessary documents outlined in the form) to communicate your choices to the DFG.
Please submit the certificate of appointment to the DFG as soon as possible upon receipt.
You may use your Heisenberg grant at a university of applied science if this institution is eligible to receive DFG funding (public-law or non-profit private organization).
You may use your Heisenberg grant at a non-university research institution if this institution is eligible to receive DFG funding (public-law or non-profit private organization).
Please consider that a non-university research institution needs to cooperate with a university to establish a Heisenberg professorship. Such a cooperation is not needed in case of the Heisenberg fellowship, Heisenberg position and Heisenberg temporary substitute position for clinicians.
The DFG offers personnel funds as gross employer costs (see DFG Personnel Rates). For questions regarding your individual pay scale classification, please contact your employer.
The Heisenberg grant should be started within one year after receiving the congratulations letter.
In case you are holding a Heisenberg position, Heisenberg temporary substitute position for clinicians or Heisenberg professorship, you may work part-time if family duties (childcare, elderly care) or personal reasons (disabilities, chronic disease) require you to reduce your working time. A reduction below 50% of your regular working hours is not possible.
The DFG must approve the reduction of your working time beforehand. You will be granted a respective cost-neutral extension of your funding. Your host institution must approve this extension. Please ensure that your working contract covers this extension.
The Heisenberg grant can be paused for a maximum of one year (DFG approval required). Please inform the DFG beforehand and note that no funds can be used during the interruption of the grant.
By the end of the third funding year (after 30 months of funding), an evaluation is conducted based on an interim report. In case of a positive evaluation, you will be granted the funds for the second funding period (24 months). Guidelines on writing an interim report under the Heisenberg Programm can be found in form 10.224.
It is possible for you to change your host institution. Please note that by the time of change a remaining term of 6 months is required. In case you are changing institutions as wells as your Heisenberg funding type (e.g. from Heisenberg position to Heisenberg professorship), a remaining term of 12 months is required.
Please communicate your plans as soon as possible to the DFG. To do so, please use form 10.50 as well as the necessary documents outlined in the form.
It is possible for you to change the Heisenberg funding type (e.g. from Heisenberg position to Heisenberg professorship). The Guidelines Heisenberg Programme (form 50.03) offer information on the changing options. Please note that the total funding duration of 60 months cannot be extended by changing the Heisenberg funding type.
By the time of change, a remaining term of 12 months is required.
Please communicate your plans as soon as possible to the DFG. To do so, please use form 10.50 as well as the necessary documents outlined in the form.
Please note that a cost-effective extension of the Heisenberg grant is not possible. The duration may be extended cost-neutrally in case of interruptions of the grant or part-time employment.
It is possible for you to conduct teaching during the Heisenberg funding period. The DFG sets no limits regarding your teaching hours. For this matter, please contact your employer.
Please note that a Heisenberg professorship can only be established at a German university It cannot be transferred to an institution outside of Germany. Questions on stays abroad during your Heisenberg professorship may be directed to your employer.
The department responsible for the relevant specialist area at DFG Head Office will be happy to answer your questions about submitting a proposal.
Questions on policies and procedures can be directed to