Project Academies
The aim of project academies is to enable professors from universities of applied sciences to engage in research projects based on DFG third-party funding at an early stage in their careers.
The aim of Project Academies is to enable professors from universities of applied sciences to engage in research projects based on DFG third-party funding at an early stage in their careers.
Eligibility Requirements
For project academy proposals:
- Researchers at universities of applied sciences, universities and other research institutions in Germany with proven track records and experience in applying for third-party funding
For participation in a project academy
- Professors at universities of applied sciences first appointed to a professorial post within the last 6 years.
Proposal Requirements
The aim of the project academy must be to enable professors from universities of applied sciences to engage in research projects based on DFG third-party funding at an early stage in their careers. Project academies are thematic to enable scientific dialogue.
Type and Extent of Funding
Proposal Modules
For organisation:
For participation:
Funding Duration
Maximum total of 2 years
Forms and Guidelines
No deadline
For the Project Academies concept
Technical enquiries: