Reinhart Koselleck Projects
This programme enables outstanding researchers with a proven scientific track record to pursue exceptionally innovative, higher-risk projects.
To enable outstanding researchers with a proven scientific track record to pursue exceptionally innovative or higher-risk projects
Eligibility Requirements
Researchers who hold or are eligible to hold professorships, especially at universities, and who have an outstanding cv and great scientific potential
Proposal Requirements
Exceptionally innovative or higher-risk projects that cannot be funded within the scope of other DFG programmes or within the framework of the applicant’s own institution
Type and Extent of Funding
Funding for staff, scientific instrumentation, consumables, travel, miscellaneous and publication costs. Applicants may request funding from €500,000 up to €1.25 million, for five years, in increments of €250,000.
Funding Duration
5 years
Forms and Guidelines
No submission deadlines apply.
Additional information on scientific matters may be obtained under
Questions on policies and procedures may be addressed to