Forms and Guidelines
Research Fellowships
All guidelines, templates and further forms for this programme can be found in the below list.
Proposal Submission
Here, you find all forms relevant for proposal submission.
Programme Guidelines
The Guidelines Research Fellowships describe the content of the programme, in particular the programme objective, the eligibility requirements and the modules that can be applied for in order to achieve the objective.
No. | Language | Title [version] | Download |
1.04 | DE | Merkblatt Forschungsstipendien [09/22] | |
EN | Guidelines Research Fellowships [09/22] |
elan Templates
Here, you find the elan templates that you need for electronic proposal submission. The templates are also provided via the elan portal.
When preparing your proposal, please use the relevant template to describe the project. If you cannot use the template, please make sure to use the outline provided. Please enclose the project description as a PDF file to the electronic template.
Use of Funds
No. | Language | Title [version] | Download |
2.10 | DE | Verwendungsrichtlinien Forschungsstipendien mit Informationen für Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten und Leitfaden für Abschlussbericht [02/16] |
Other Forms
No. | Language | Title [version] | Download |
infcard1 | DE | Informationcard "Entscheidungsprozess der DFG" [09/07] |
Final Reports
No. | Language | Title [version] | Download |
2.10 | DE | Verwendungsrichtlinien Forschungsstipendien mit Informationen für Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten und Leitfaden für Abschlussbericht [02/16] |