Scientific Networks
Scientific networks offer researchers at all career stages the opportunity to engage in multi-year scientific exchange and cooperation on a topic area of their choice across locations, with the aim of achieving a specific outcome.
A scientific network consists of a set group of 10 to 20 people, which may also include researchers working abroad.
To promote multi-year scientific exchange and cooperation on a topic area of choice across locations
Eligibility Requirements
Qualified researchers (with a doctorate) in Germany or at a German research institution abroad
Not: Employees of institutions with purely commercial aims; employees of institutions that are not permitted to publish findings in a generally accessible form
Project Requirements
The network must aim for a specific outcome, e.g. the preparation of joint research papers, a joint publication, impetus for the further development of research methods.
Type and Extent of Funding
Travel and maintenance costs for work meetings of network members (full group or individual members) and for thematically relevant guests, other costs (to support coordination) and publication costs
Funding Duration
Up to three years
Forms and Guidelines
No deadline.
The programme staff in your field of research will be happy to provide you with further information.