Changes and delays in the course of a project
The progress of a project can be affected by a range of different circumstances, such as delays due to the pandemic and other external circumstances. Changes in the individual circumstances of those involved in the project or the availability of project resources can also arise unexpectedly. Unexpected events may necessitate adjustments within the scope of the approved funding.
In such an event, the DFG offers certain options which are explained here. These apply in particular to individual funding programmes. The staff of the DFG Head Office will be happy to provide advice beyond this FAQ.
Please refer to DFG form 73.0(interner Link) regarding the communication of information on special personal circumstances (including personal data subject to special protection).
Only share information that you feel is relevant and do not mention information about third parties, or at least as little as possible.
Please inform the DFG Head Office promptly of any major changes in the project (e.g. planned change of location, absence of persons employed in the project). This applies in particular to any event that might jeopardise or call into question the project as a whole.
In less serious cases, you should start by considering the options set out in the FAQ below. The funding contract gives you a certain room for manoeuvre in responding to changes (e.g. flexible funding). Please refer to the letter of approval and the relevant funding guidelines.
The funding contract gives you room for manoeuvre in responding to changes. Please refer to the letter of approval and the relevant funding guidelines. The DFG offers the following cost-neutral measures in particular:
- flexible funding through the reallocation of project funds (see in particular No. 7.2 Funding Guidelines, DFG Form 2.0(interner Link) ),
- a cost-neutral extension of the funding period (see in particular section 2.5.2 Funding Guidelines, DFG Form 2.0(interner Link) ),
- a project interruption or
- transfer of the project to another individual (a so-called change of personnel),
- taking a project to another institution (a so-called change of institution).
If you provide the DFG with personal data that requires special protection (e.g. on a person’s state of health, a pregnancy or other private circumstances), please refer to the notes at Link); in particular, DFG form 73.0(interner Link) must always be submitted. Only share information that you feel is relevant and do not mention information about third parties, or at least as little as possible.
As far as it serves the project, budget allocations for personnel and material resources can be shifted according to the principles of flexible funding. The total budget available is determined by the amount of funding approved. Any reallocation must make sense in terms of what the project is attempting to achieve from a scientific point of view. The reasons for a reallocation must be set down in writing in the accounting documents and also form part of the audit on the use of funds. As a rule, you do not have to submit a proposal to the office for this purpose. Please refer to the details in the respective funding guidelines (see in particular special points that apply to contracts for work and services section 4.6.1 and the forwarding of funds No. 3.1).
A cost-neutral term extension extends the requested project term while maintaining the same budget. The project continues unchanged and funds are available in the usual way.
An application for a cost-neutral term extension can usually be submitted within the last six months of the project term. Reasons for this might be delays in project implementation such as unavoidable delays in recruiting staff or in obtaining resources, or absences due to illness, pregnancy or parental leave.
A cost-neutral term extension requires an application to be submitted to the DFG Head Office using DFG form 41.4(interner Link); this is then reviewed by the Head Office. If the project is to be extended for less than six months, DFG form 41.4(interner Link) can be sent by e-mail with a justification to the DFG financial department which is designated as responsible in the letter of approval.
If you require an extension of more than six months, DFG form 41.4(interner Link) must be submitted to the relevant department with a project-specific justification. Please upload your application and justification via the elan portal. The application does not have to be sent additionally by post.
If you provide the DFG with personal data that requires special protection (e.g. on a person’s state of health, a pregnancy or other private circumstances), please refer to the notes at Link); in particular, DFG form 73.0(interner Link) must always be submitted. Only share information that you feel is relevant and do not mention information about third parties, or at least as little as possible.
A project interruption means that the project is suspended entirely and can be continued at a later date. No project funds can be paid out during the interruption period. This instrument is therefore only suitable if the project can be completely dormant and no staff need to be paid. The advantage of a project interruption is that the remaining project duration and approved funds stay in place until the project is continued.
A project interruption might be considered in the case of a complete longer-term absence on the part of the project leader, especially due to pregnancy, parental leave or illness. For details of interruptions due to family commitments, pregnancy or parental leave, see: Link)
You can apply for a project interruption informally to the relevant department via the elan portal. The staff at the DFG Head Office will be happy to advise you before you submit your application.
If you provide the DFG with personal data that requires special protection (e.g. on a person’s state of health, a pregnancy or other private circumstances), please refer to the notes at Link); in particular, DFG form 73.0(interner Link) must always be submitted. Only share information that you feel is relevant and do not mention information about third parties, or at least as little as possible.
In these cases, the DFG offers various options: for details, see Link)
If you provide the DFG with personal data that requires special protection (e.g. on a person’s state of health, a pregnancy or other private circumstances), please refer to the notes at Link); in particular, DFG form 73.0(interner Link) must always be submitted. Only share information that you feel is relevant and do not mention information about third parties, or at least as little as possible.
The person for whom the DFG project was approved may, in justified cases, have the project transferred to another individual with the agreement of the DFG. This can be considered if the grant recipient is no longer able to continue the project they have started, for example because of having taken up a new job in industry or abroad. The project must have already begun for this so-called change of personnel to be permitted; also, the new project leader must be eligible to apply to the DFG and must hold the appropriate subject-specific qualifications.
If you would like to have the project transferred to another person, submit this request in writing to the relevant department via the elan portal. In addition, the person who is to take over project management must confirm in writing that they will assume all rights and responsibilities associated with the project. The request will be reviewed by the relevant department. If the DFG agrees to the change of personnel, the new project leader becomes a contractual partner to the DFG. They then take on sole responsibility for the implementation of the project and are also responsible for the final report.
The person for whom the DFG project was approved can, in many cases, carry out the project at another institution, providing the DFG agrees to this. Please contact the relevant department in good time in advance of any planned change of this nature.