FAQ: List of publications
Uniform rules apply to the publication listings to be included in CVs for all programmes. According to these, up to ten publications each in categories A and B can be listed in the academic curriculum vitae. In the list of project- and subject-related publications provided in connection with proposals for individual funding, the ten most important of the applicant’s own publications can be typographically highlighted. Several contributions to an anthology volume must be listed as individual publications. The possibility of highlighting applies in the same way to draft proposals, whereby a maximum of 20 publications by members of the programme committee can be highlighted in establishment proposals for a priority programme.
The modifications apply in the same way to Collaborative Research Centres, Research Training Groups and infrastructure programmes.
A publication is understood to be the making available of research findings, data and metadata, software and patents. Publications can be printed, digital or hybrid. They may appear in various media such as books, journals, repositories or websites and can have differing formats. These include monographs (including textbooks), journal articles, articles on preprint servers, contributions to anthologies and conference proceedings, data or metadata sets, software codes and programmes, clinical trial protocols, podcasts, blog contributions or press articles. Presentations at conferences may also be listed as publications, even if there is no publicly accessible abstract or contribution to a conference presentation, or not yet .
If software/code is published in an article in a peer-reviewed journal, you need to list either the article (in category A) or the software (in category B) in the curriculum vitae.
Both authorship and editorship (e.g. for anthology volumes) justify indicating the publication in an academic CV (“scientific results”) as well as in the project- and subject-related list of publications.
In the project- and subject-related list of publications, it is also possible to include the titles of papers posted on public repositories. Applicants can also mark the most important of their own publications in research grant proposals and in connection with other programmes, where applicable. In the list of publications accompanying the CV, these papers are to be placed in category B.
Manuscripts submitted to journals for publication may not be listed in the academic CV (“scientific results”) or in the project- and subject-related list of publications until they have been accepted for publication. You are not allowed to list manuscripts with the following statuses: in preparation, submitted (to), in review, in revision or similar. Furthermore, you are not permitted to state the journal submission status of manuscripts that have already been published as preprints.
No. In the description of the state of research and also in connection with the objectives and programme of work, you can refer to an unlimited number of your own and other people’s publications which may be accessible in a wide variety of forms. This includes articles in journals and books that are subject to a fee as well as open-access publications and contributions to repositories. The term “publicly accessible” means that the results have to be public and available for viewing.
When submitting a proposal, unpublished papers must be attached or included in the list of publications or the bibliography.
(Please note that unpublished papers may only be included in the list of publications in the CV and highlighted in the bibliography if it can be proven that they have already been accepted for publication at the time of proposal submission.)
The bibliography listing all publications referred to in the proposal is included in the 17-page rule that applies to the first part of the proposal on the state of research, objectives and programme of work in the case of proposals for individual research grants and under the Emmy Noether Programme. Your project description must not exceed 25 pages in total (a maximum of 17 pages are available for sections 1 through 3, whereby section 3 is the bibliography).