Priority Programme "Robust Argumentation Machines (RATIO)" (SPP 1999/2)
Funded projects in alphabetical order according to the university locations of the DFG projects:
- "BEA - Building Engaging Argumentation"
(Professor Dr. Elisabeth André, University of Augsburg, Professor Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Minker, University of Ulm) - "Coordination Fund"
(Professor Dr. Philipp Cimiano, University of Bielefeld) - "Perspectivized Argument Knowledge Graphs for Deliberation Support"
(Professor Dr. Philipp Cimiano, University of Bielefeld, Professor Dr. Annette Frank, Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg) - "MARDY: Modeling Argumentation Dynamics in Political Discourse (Phase 2)"
(Professor Dr. Sebastian Haunss, University of Bremen, Professor Dr. Jonas Kuhn, University of Stuttgart, Professor Dr. Sebastian Padó, Uinversity of Stuttgart) - “Causality, Argumentation, and Machine Learning"
(Professor Dr. Kristian Kersting, Darmstadt University of Technology, Dr. Matthias Thimm, University of Koblenz-Landau) - "Reconstructing Arguments from Newsworthy Debates"
(Professor Dr. Stefan Evert, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Professor Dr. Lutz Schröder, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg) - "Answering Comparative Questions with Arguments (ACQuA 2.0)"
(Professor Dr. Christian Biemann, University of Hamburg, Professor Dr. Matthias Hagen, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg) - "CUEPAQ: Visual Analytics and Linguistics for Capturing, Understanding, and Explaining Personalized Argument Quality"
(Professor Dr. Miriam Butt, University of Konstanz, Professor Dr. Daniel Keim, University of Konstanz) - “OASiS: Objective Argument Summarization in Search"
(Professor Dr. Martin Potthast, University of Leipzig, Professor Dr. Henning Wachsmuth, University of Paderborn) - "INAS: Interactive Argumentation Support for the Scientific Domain of Invasion Biology"
(Dr. Tina Heger, Munich University of Technology, Professor Dr. Birgitta König-Ries, Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena, Professor Dr. Sina Zarrieß, Friedrich-Schiller-Univesity of Jena) - "The Bayesian Approach to Robust Argumentation Machines"
(Professor Dr. Stephan Hartmann, Ludwig-Maximilians-University of München) - “LARGA: Learning Argumentation Axioms from Monological and Dialogical Texts"
(Professor Dr. Manfred Stede, University of Potsdam, Professor Dr. Benno Stein, Bauhaus University of Weimar) - "ReCAP-II: Information Retrieval and Case-Based Reasoning for Robust Deliberation and Synthesis of Arguments – Architecture and Applications"
(Professor Dr. Ralph Bergmann, University of Trier, Professor Dr.-Ing. Ralf Schenkel, University of Trier)