Emmy Noether Programme

The Emmy Noether Programme gives exceptionally qualified early career researchers the chance to qualify for the post of professor at a university by leading an independent junior research group for a period of six years.

The programme is open to postdocs and junior professors with temporary contracts who are at an early stage in their research careers. Holders of a junior professorship with a positive interim evaluation are no longer included in the target group for this programme, and are not eligible to submit proposals or receive funding.


All research projects across all scientific disciplines are affected by the pandemic, although individual and discipline-specific limitations may vary widely and personal career developments are affected to varying degrees. Applicants therefore have the opportunity to address the impact of the pandemic as well as strategies for coping with it in the research proposal. This information will be taken into account on a subject-specific as well as on an individual level in the review and decision-making process.


To give highly qualified researchers the opportunity to satisfy the prerequisites for appointment as a university professor by leading an independent junior research group and performing relevant teaching duties

To attract outstanding early career researchers (back) to Germany from abroad

Eligibility Requirements

Early career researchers in all disciplines, normally up to 4 years after completion of the doctorate

  • Normally at least two years of postdoctoral experience
  • Substantial international research experience
  • Applicants from abroad are expected to continue their research careers in Germany after the funding comes to an end.
    A written letter of intent must be attached to the proposal.
  • The ENP is not open to those who have already satisfied the requirements for a professorship, in particular those who have completed or are about to embark on the habilitation process, as the funding objective has already been achieved in these cases.
  • An individual is not eligible if they are in receipt of a type of funding similar to the ENP for an independent (junior) research group from a national research institution, programmes offered by the federal and state governments, or an international institution located in Germany.

  • Form 50.02 "Emmy Noether-Programme"(interner Link)

Proposal Requirements

Excellent research project

Application Requirements

Assessed on the basis of previous research work, ambitious publications in internationally respected journals or a comparable format

Type and Extent of Funding


Funding Duration

6 years

Time to Decision

Approx. 8 months

Forms and Guidelines

No general submission deadlines.
Proposals can be submitted at any time in accordance with the requirements listed above.

An Emmy Noether independent junior research group can be associated with a Collaborative Research Centre with a related topic at the same location. This allows the independent junior research group to be integrated into an excellent research environment. As a full member of the CRC, the leader of the independent junior research group shares in its centralised funds.

The department responsible for the relevant specialist area at the DFG Head Office will be happy to answer your questions about submitting a proposal.

Procedural questions can be directed to

Please note that it can take time to respond to questions. Please also refer to the


Our portraying film " Accelerating your way to a professorship" shows who the DFG-funded researchers are, what their research is about and what they say about the funding they receive. In the explanatory video you learn who can apply for funding in the Emmy Noether Programme, what the funding conditions are, and what helps when preparing a proposal.