Press Release No. 44 | October 30, 2014

DFG Welcomes Decisions by the Joint Science Conference

"Decisions of major importance for the future development of the research system"

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) has welcomed the decisions made by science ministers at federal and state level in the Joint Science Conference on 30 October 2014. DFG President Professor Dr. Peter Strohschneider said:

"Today, at the Joint Science Conference, the federal and state governments reached a number of decisions of major importance for the future development of the research system in Germany with its numerous functions.

For the universities, the consensus on programme allowances for indirect project costs is of particular importance. The DFG is very pleased that this funding instrument, which has become so essential to university-based research, is to be continued and topped up with the participation of the federal states.

The decision in favour of a new federal/state initiative to succeed the Excellence Initiative is also very welcome. This decision responds to repeated calls from the DFG, the German Council of Science and Humanities and institutions in receipt of Excellence funding. It offers the opportunity of a second funding phase to institutions that have benefited from the initiative since 2012. In terms of future science policy, it also places an emphasis on high-quality university research, which is particularly positive. From the DFG's point of view, today's commitment to a science-led process as a key feature of the new federal/state initiative is also very encouraging.

Finally, the decision on the third phase of the Pact for Research and Innovation provides the DFG with a reliable framework and a level of assurance for the development and growth of resources to fund first-class research projects in the period 2016 to 2020.

The DFG now calls on the Federal Chancellor and the heads of the state governments to approve the decisions made today by the Joint Science Conference at their meeting on 11 December in the interests of the research community and Germany as a whole."