Refugee Scientists and Academics: DFG to Facilitate Participation in Research Projects
Contribution to integration in research and society / Higher education institutions and project leaders can apply for additional staff
Contribution to integration in research and society / Higher education institutions and project leaders can apply for additional staff
The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) plans to help scientists and academics who have fled their home countries to participate in DFG-funded research projects and thus contribute to the integration of refugees in research and society. DFG President Professor Dr. Peter Strohschneider has presented a package of measures to the Joint Committee of Germany's largest research funding organisation. The basic aim of these measures is to allow supplemental proposals to be submitted for existing funding projects which would enable the participation of qualified researchers or those in training.
"The integration of people who have been forced to flee in fear of their lives is a duty for all groups in society. The academic and research community, which has always been based on openness and plurality, can and must do its part," said Strohschneider. "Although we cannot say for sure how many, it is certain that the people now coming to us as refugees include researchers at the training stage or people already established as researchers. We know this from enquiries that have already been sent to the DFG regarding funding opportunities."
To use DFG funds to help improve the situation at least a little for refugee scientists and academics, there is no need to set up new funding programmes, the DFG President continued. In fact, there is already scope within existing project funding to integrate qualified individuals into funded projects. In particular, this can be achieved through supplemental proposals for existing projects, which the original applicants are free to submit in certain circumstances – for example if additional researchers, whose participation would bring additional benefit to the research, become available after the project is approved.
"We want to expressly encourage all higher education institutions and project leaders to make use of these additional opportunities," said Strohschneider.
Various concrete options are available to refugees with an academic research background. For the short-term integration of refugees at all academic qualification levels, supplemental proposals can be submitted for guest funding. For the longer-term integration of established researchers, the Mercator module is a suitable option. This can be used to cover accommodation and travel costs and also provide remuneration at a level which, as with guest funding, is based on academic qualification. Both guest funding and Mercator funding can be applied for in all DFG funding programmes. The budget for this will be dependent on the number of people who can be integrated in funded projects in this way.
Refugee scientists and academics can also participate in Research Training Groups, Collaborative Research Centres and other DFG-funded coordinated projects. The financial resources for this do not have to be specially requested with a supplemental proposal; appropriate measures can also be financed from previously approved funds. For example, refugees with a bachelor's degree or comparable qualification can receive a qualifying fellowship for later doctoral research in a Research Training Group or be accepted directly into such a group.
Project leaders and higher education institutions are responsible for deciding how researchers should be integrated in a project, said the DFG President. It is also up to the higher education institutions to work out the legal details, such as appraisal of academic qualifications or the signing of fellowship or employment contracts.
Strohschneider concluded: "We as the DFG want to create the financial and organisational framework needed for participation in the projects we fund in an efficient, flexible way. We are confident that this will make a positive contribution to the integration of refugees in our research system and our society."