Press Release No. 23 | June 26, 2020

National Research Data Infrastructure: DFG Welcomes First-Round Funding Decisions on Consortia

GWK resolution underscores importance of research-driven process

On 26 June 2020 the Joint Science Conference (GWK) made its final funding decisions in the first round of the National Research Data Infrastructure Programme (NFDI). A total of nine consortia were chosen. In reaching this decision, the GWK followed the recommendation of the NFDI Expert Committee, which based its selection on the outcome of a rigorous review and evaluation process.

In setting up a national research data infrastructure, the DFG is responsible for the selection, review and evaluation of NFDI consortium proposals. The GWK is responsible for financial decisions. To be eligible for funding, proposals must receive a positive recommendation by the NFDI Expert Committee, which is composed of academic researchers and experts from research institutions.

“With this decision, the GWK underscored its commitment to establishing the NFDI in a research-driven process”, said DFG President Professor Dr. Katja Becker. “Today’s announcement highlights the significance of research-based criteria in each step of the process – from the formation of consortia to review by international review panels and evaluation by the interdisciplinary NFDI Expert Committee. This will help to ensure success in establishing the NFDI as a coordinated network of consortia tailored to meet the needs and requirements of their individual research communities.”

Today’s decision marks the end of the first funding round, in which 22 initial proposals were submitted. Two additional funding rounds will be held over the next two years. Overall, the NFDI programme envisages funding for up to 30 consortia. The second-round call for proposals was published on the DFG website in May 2020.

Further Information

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