A new Vice President for the DFG
General Assembly elects legal scholar Marietta Auer to governing body
The DFG has a new Vice President: at its meeting on Wednesday, 29 June 2022 as part of the DFG’s Annual General Meeting in Freiburg, the DFG’s General Assembly elected legal scholar Professor Dr. Marietta Auer to the Executive Committee of the largest research funding organisation and central self-governing body for science and the humanities in Germany.
Auer holds the Chair of Private Law and International and Interdisciplinary Foundations of Law at the University of Gießen and has been Director of the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory in Frankfurt/Main since 2020. After first studying law, she went on to read philosophy and sociology at LMU Munich, obtaining a Doctor of Law there in 2003 before going on to gain a Doctor of Juridical Science at Harvard Law School in 2012. After completing a postdoctoral lecturing qualification in Munich, she became Professor of Civil Law and Philosophy of Law in Gießen in 2013. From 2016 to 2021, Auer was a member of the Senate and Grants Committee for the DFG’s Research Training Groups. She was awarded the DFG’s Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize in 2022 for her outstanding work in the field of legal theory and legal history.
Along with DFG President Professor Dr. Katja Becker and new Vice President Marietta Auer, the DFG Executive Committee is made up of the following Vice Presidents: molecular biologist Professor Dr. Axel A. Brakhage, English literature scholar Professor Dr. Julika Griem, engineering scientist Professor Dr.-Ing. Hans Hasse, experimental physicist Professor Dr. Karin Jacobs, sociologist Professor Dr. Matthias Koenig, chemist Professor Dr. Peter H. Seeberger, computer scientist Professor Dr. Kerstin Schill and medical scientist Professor Dr. Britta Siegmund. The President of the Stifterverband is a member of the Executive Board in an advisory capacity by virtue of their office. The DFG Secretary General likewise participates in the meetings of the Executive Committee in an advisory capacity.
Further information
Media contact:
- DFG Press and Public Relations
Tel. +49 228 885-2109
presse@dfg.d(externer Link)
For details of the DFG Executive Committee members, see:
All press releases on the 2022 Annual General Meeting are also to be found in a digital press kit at
which is supplemented on an ongoing basis.