Press Release No. 1 | March 2, 2022

DFG Takes Steps in Response to Russian Attack on Ukraine

Support for refugee researchers / Joint funding projects with Russia suspended with immediate effect

Support for refugee researchers / Joint funding projects with Russia suspended with immediate effect

The Russian attack on Ukraine will also have consequences for the funding activities of Germany’s largest research funding organisation and its academic projects being conducted in collaboration with partners in Russia.

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) is suspending all its funded research projects between academics from Germany and Russia with immediate effect. What is more, funding proposals for new collaborative projects and renewal proposals for ongoing projects will not be accepted until further notice. By taking these steps, the DFG is supporting the German government’s consistent action in response to Russian aggression. At the same time, the DFG is aware of the drastic effects of these measures and deeply regrets them from the academic perspective.

As of now, no data, samples, equipment or research material is to be exchanged under existing cooperation projects. Similarly, no joint events are to be held. Financing of the Russian contribution to joint projects will be ceased until further notice; the German share in such projects will continue to receive funding.

In total, the DFG has funded more than 300 German-Russian research projects with a total volume of over €110 million under its various funding types and programmes over the past three years.

For the time being, the DFG will not accept proposals for new German-Russian projects or proposals to renew existing bilateral projects. In the case of new or renewal proposals that have already been submitted, all reviews, evaluations by review boards and decisions by approval committees have been suspended.

Researchers who are currently applying for a fellowship abroad for Ukraine or Russia may alter their applications and specify a different destination country. Scholarships that have already been approved are not to be taken up. Current scholarships can be converted into domestic scholarships or positions; here, too, there is the option of moving to another country.

In addition, the DFG offers support to academics from Ukraine and also from Russia as part of its initiative to help refugee researchers. The aim is to enable refugees to continue to pursue academic activities by integrating them in the German academic system in the short term. This is another way in which the DFG wishes to emphasise its solidarity with academics from Ukraine who have been forced to leave their homes as a result of the Russian attack. However, the support is also open to Russian academics who have been forced to flee in the current situation.

At the end of last week, the DFG issued a statement along with the other members of the Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany saying that the Russian attack was in breach of international law and expressing its solidarity with its academic partners.


Further Information

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For the latest information, see also:

Statement by the Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany: