DFG Office India

German House, New Delhi
The scope and significance of the cooperation between German and Indian researchers has increased substantially in the past years. In part, this development is due to the ongoing growth – as well as the professionalisation and internationalisation – of India’s research sector. Although there is still room for further development, India is now a leading player in a number of academic fields, and German researchers have been increasingly interested in building partnerships with their Indian colleagues. Indians, for their part, have noted that the German research system has become much more international and vibrant in recent years.
In order to respond to the growing demand for information and assistance in the field of Indo-German scientific collaboration, DFG’s India Office was set up in 2006. Today, apart from dispensing information about DFG’s funding lines and assisting in the initiation of joint projects, DFG India Office is engaged in setting up Indo-German research funding opportunities in cooperation with its partner agencies. DFG’s main partner agencies in India are the Department of Science and Technology (DST), the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), the Indian National Science Academy (INSA) as well as the research councils under the aegis of the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD).
Tasks of the DFG Office India
- Information Services for Indo-German Research Cooperation
- Organising bilateral Symposia
- Contributing to reciprocal exchange with special emphasis on increasing the number of German researchers to India
- Promotion of young scientists
- Establishing a network of researchers with experience in bi-lateral cooperation
- Institutional Cooperation with Indian partner organizations
- Intensifying the bilateral cooperation in the fields of Social Sciences and the Humanities also
- Increasing the visibility of Indo-German Research Cooperation
Early Career Programmes open to International Applicants
- Emmy Noether Programm(interner Link)
- Research Grants (Temporary Positions for Principal Investigators(interner Link)
- Walter Benjamin Programm(interner Link)
Selected Programmes for International Collaboration
- Initiation Gran(interner Link)
- Research Unit(interner Link)
- International Research Training Group(interner Link)
Currently open bilateral programmes
Further Information
Finding research projects (DFG and other funding)
Highlights of Indo-German Collaboration

A research unit in Agricultural Studies highlighting Indo-German Collaboration. Prof. Bürkert (University of Kassel), Prof. von Cramon-Taubadel (University of Göttingen) and Prof. K.B. Umesh (UASB Bangalore) could prove, that excellent research can be accomplished by coordinated research projects between Indian and German researchers. The projects were co-funded by DFG and the Indian Department of Biotechnology (DBT). mor(interner Link)
Further Reports and Interviews: