Dr. Vaibhav Agarwal, Deputy Director DFG Office India, presenting funding programmes for Indo-German collaboration.
Dr. Vaibhav Agarwal, Deputy Director DFG Office India, presenting funding programmes for Indo-German collaboration.
At the invitation of Dr. Michael Stadler representative of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and lecturer at the Centre for German Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), various German higher education institutions and research funding organisations, including the DFG Office India, participated in the German Day on 21 November 2024, an outreach activity for students and faculty members.
Faculty and students of JNU and neighbouring universities in New Delhi attending the German Day.
Faculty and students of JNU and neighbouring universities in New Delhi attending the German Day.
Apart from the DFG, other German organisations such as DAAD, Max Planck Society, University of Cologne, Freie Universität Berlin, German Embassy, Goethe Institute Delhi, BayInd and Hertie School in Berlin also showcased their institutions and funding instruments.
The outreach activity was organised with an objective of informing students, researchers and faculty members about the German research landscape including various funding programmes for Indo-German research collaboration and the options available for pursuing research careers in Germany. The event was well received by the faculty and researchers in early career phases, including students from JNU and other universities in and around Delhi.