DFG participation at the 9th India Max Planck Partner Group Meeting and institutional visits in Bengaluru, India

Max Planck Partner Group Meeting in Bengaluru, Group Photo
© Vaibhav Agarwal/DFG
(23.03.23) On the kind invitation of the Max Planck Society, the German Research Foundation (DFG) Office India participated in the 9th India Max Planck Partner Group Meeting held at the International Center for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS) Bengaluru from 11th till 12th March 2023. The Max Planck Partner Groups are an instrument that allows outstanding early career researchers, following a research residency at a Max Planck Institute, on their return to the home country to carry out further research on a subject that is also of interest to their previous host Max Planck institute. These partner groups which are funded for 5 years has been a successful instrument for the joint promotion of early career researchers worldwide as it aims to strengthen the research landscapes and also to advance international scientific networking. Since 2004, 78 Max Planck Partner Groups with India have been supported of which 27 are currently active.

Funding Session for international cooperation with DAAD (Dr. Katja Lasch), AvH (Dr. Nirupa Roy), MPG (Dr. Marion Cerri and Dr. Christiane Haupt) and DFG (Dr. Franziska Langer)
© Vaibhav Agarwal/DFG
The two-day event at ICTS was attended by 31 current and former Indian heads of the Partner Groups; Prof. Klaus Blaum, MPI for Nuclear Physics and Vice President, Max Planck Society as well as Directors of many Max Planck Institutes such as Prof. Joachim Spatz, Director, MPI for Medical Research; Prof. Paul Rainey, Director, MPI for Evolutionary Biology; Prof. Karl Menten, Director, MPI for Radioastronomy; Emeritus Prof. W. Boland, Director, MPI for Chemical Ecology and Dr. Arunima Ray Research Group Leader, MPI for Mathematics. In addition, representatives from the general administration of Max Planck Society, Max Planck India Office, Science Counsellor, German Embassy; Deputy Counsel General from the German Consulate in Bengaluru, and other German research funding organizations such as DFG; German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Alexander of Humboldt Foundation (AvH) as well as the Indo German Science and Technology Center (IGSTC) participated in the meeting.

Poster Sessions at the Max Planck Partner Group Meeting, DAAD representative Dr. Katja Lasch and Max Planck representative Poonam Suri
© Vaibhav Agarwal/DFG
Following the partner group meeting, institutional visits were organized on March 13th at the Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc Bangalore), Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIAP) and Jawaharlal Nehru Center for Advance Scientific Research (JNCASR). The Delegation could also interact with faculty from the National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS) as well.
The DFG India Office actively participated in all these engagements and gave presentation showcasing the German research landscape and spoke about the various collaborative opportunities through DFG funding instruments for the scientist and for pursuing research careers in Germany.

Institutional visit at the Indian Institute of Sciences Bangalore
© Vaibhav Agarwal/DFG
The open discussions with the various faculty showcased again the great interest in Indo-German research collaboration and the huge potential for joint research projects in the future.