DFG-SERB Second Indo-German Week of the Young Researcher, New Delhi / Dehradun
Participants of the Indo-German Week of the Young Researcher 2023
(22.12.23) From 25th November to 1st December 2023, DFG together with Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Government of India organized the Second Indo-German Week of the Young Researcher in New Delhi and at the Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology (WIHG), an autonomous institute of Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India. The event brought groups of excellent (early to mid-career) researchers in the field of Geosciences (“Geodynamics and Climate Science of the Himalaya Region”) from the two countries together to share their research interests and build long-term research partnerships.
The week-long engagement started with a kick-off event in form of a networking dinner reception hosted by DFG and the Science Section of the German Embassy on Saturday 25th November 2023 at the Blue Hall of the German Embassy. Welcoming the participants and the representatives of Indo-German organizations, Dr. Philipp Ackermann, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to India spoke about the growth in the S&T cooperation between the two countries and the positive impact of engagements like The Week of Young Researcher on furthering the ties. Dr. Franziska Langer, Director DFG office India and Dr. Praveen Somasundaram, DST/SERB also welcomed the participants and wished them fruitful interactions at WIHG, Dehradu(externer Link).
On Sunday, 26th November 2023, on the way to WIHG, Dehradun from Delhi a stop-over cum field-excursion under the guidance of Indian convener Prof. Talat Ahmad, WIHG and co-convener Prof. R.P.J. Perumal, WIHG was organized at Mohand anticline situated in the Sub-Himalaya and its adjoining areas, in the vicinity of the Dehradun region.
The meeting was inaugurated on Monday 27th November 2023 by Dr. Akhilesh Gupta, Secretary, SERB in the presence of the two conveners Prof. Bodo Bookhagen, University of Potsdam, Germany and Prof. Talat Ahmad, WIHG, Dehradun as well as Dr. Kalachand Sain, Director, WIHG, Dehradun; Dr. Franziska Langer, Director DFG Office India; Dr. Praveen Kumar Somasundaram, DST / SERB and Dr. Guido Lüniger, DFG.
With an intention to encourage wider networking and stronger partnerships among early career researchers, a group of 26 promising researchers, 11 and 14 from Germany and India respectively discussed and interacted closely over the 5 days on various contemporary topics in Himalayan Geosciences. In addition, a one-and-a-half-day field-excursion was also organized across the Outer-Garhwal Lesser Himalaya, Uttarkhand.
In order to apprise the participants of the funding possibilities for potential future co-operations, presentations were given by funding agencies such as SERB, IGSTC, DAAD and DFG. Speaking for DFG, Dr. Guido Lüniger informed the participants on the various collaborative opportunities through DFG funding schemes.
Initiatives like this bring together the future leaders from Germany and India in their respective science field and will strengthen the ties between the two countries.
The DFG India team is looking forward to future activities of this kind and appreciates input from the scientific community in Germany in regards to potential topics and interested researchers.