DFG at German Week organized at JNU, Delhi

Participants of the German Week at JNU Delhi in 2023
© JNU, Delhi
(31.12.23) On the invitation of Dr. Michael Stadler, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Lecturer at the Centre for German Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, members of the German House for Research and Innovation (DWIH-New Delhi) including the German Research Foundation (DFG) India Office participated in an outreach activity organized during the German Week from 27th November to 1st December 2023.
Apart from DFG, representatives of German organizations like DAAD, University of Cologne, University of Heidelberg, RWTH Aachen, Freie University Berlin and German Embassy participated in the event.
The outreach activity was organized with an objective of familiarizing the young researchers, and the faculty members with the German research landscape including various funding programmes for Indo-German research collaboration and options for pursuing research careers in Germany. The event was well received by the faculty and young researchers including students from the department.