DFG India Office at CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (IICB) Kolkata
Prof. Vibha Tandon, Director CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology introducing the institute and highlighting the ongoing research activities
(15.04.24) On 28th February 2024, the National Science Day 2024, the German Research Foundation (DFG) India Office visited the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research - Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (CSIR-IICB), Jadavpur, Kolkata for an interactive session with the scientists and research scholars. The visit to CSIR-IICB was facilitated by Dr. Ramanuj Banerjee, Science Counsellor, Embassy of India, Berlin and witnessed a good participation both in person and online by students and faculty of the institute and other CSIR institutions.
Welcoming the DFG delegation, Director CSIR-IICB, Prof. Vibha Tandon, introduced the institute as a multi-disciplinary, biomedical research-focused center that is engaged in research on diseases of national importance and biological problems of global interest. Thereafter, Prof. Daniel James Frost, Chair of Experimental Geosciences, Deputy Director of the Bavarian Research Institute of Experimental Geochemistry & Geophysics (BGI), University of Bayreuth, and winner of the prestigious Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Award, interacted with the audience and shared some of his experiences. This was followed by an information session targeted at early career PhDs and Postdoctoral fellows and faculty members by Dr. Franziska Langer, Director DFG Office India, to familiarize them with the research landscape in Germany and various DFG funding programmes for Indo-German research collaborations. The information session concluded with a short Q&A round to answer queries of researchers related to pursuing research careers in and collaborations with Germany.