DFG Office India at IIT Indore
(29.04.24) A German Research Foundation (DFG) co-financed Indo-German workshop "Deciphering Respiratory Bacterial Niches and Molecular Mechanisms: Unraveling Organelle Dynamics During Infection" was organized from April 11-13, 2024 at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Indore.

Impressions of IIT Indore

Dr. Vaibhav Agarwal, Deputy Director DFG Office India showcasing funding opportunities for Indo-German Research Collaboration
© IIT Indore
Dr. Vaibhav Agarwal, Deputy Director DFG Office India showcasing funding opportunities for Indo-German Research Collaboration
© IIT Indore
The workshop, which was jointly coordinated by Prof. Dr. Srikant Karnati, Institute for Anatomy and Medical Cell Biology, Julius-Maximilians-University of Würzburg, and Prof. Dr. Avinash Sonawane, Department of Biosciences & Biomedical Engineering, IIT Indore, saw a total participation of about 32 speakers. The three-day workshop, encompassing presentations, posters and networking, served as a platform for initiating new collaborations between academia across the two countries and beyond.
Dr. Vaibhav Agarwal represented the DFG Office India on the last day of the workshop. While giving a presentation showcasing the German research landscape, he answered the queries on potential collaborative opportunities through various DFG funding schemes and other bilateral programmes.
Prof. Dr. Avinash Sonawane, Dean International Relations
© IIT Indore
On the sidelines of the workshop, DFG India Office together with the office of the Dean International Relations, IIT Indore, organized a hybrid information-session titled “German Research Day: Opportunities for Indo-German cooperation” on April 15, 2024 at the Conference Hall, IIT Indore. The 1-day hybrid information-session was attended by about 50 highly motivated students, young researchers and faculty members from IIT Indore. Eight DWIH-New Delhi supporters, leading German higher education and funding organizations namely: Freie Universität Berlin, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), German Research Foundation (DFG), Heidelberg University, Max Planck Society (MPG), RWTH Aachen University, University of Cologne and University of Göttingen presented opportunities for research in Germany and with German scientists. In addition, a representative of the Indo German Science and Technology Center (IGSTC) as well as EURAXESS: Researchers in Motion participated in the event.
Participants of the German Research Day
© IIT Indore
Representing IIT Indore, Prof. Dr. Avinash Sonawane, Dean International Relations, welcomed the delegation and gave a brief insight into IIT Indore’s education and research profile. The representatives of German organizations, while interacting with the audience, provided them with an overview of German higher education and research landscape. The participants received ample first-hand information and learned about the opportunities of higher education, science and research in Germany.