Indo-German Postdoc Symposium in New Delhi
Post-Doc Symposium at the Committee Room, School of Language, Literature & Culture Studies, JNU
On Thursday 1st August 2024, the Centre of German Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), Delhi organized a German Research Foundation (DFG) supported Indo-German Postdoc symposium “Ähnlichkeit als theoretisches Paradigma und ästhetische Praxis” at the Committee Room, School of Language, Literature & Culture Studies, JNU. The Postdoc symposium was organized on the side lines of a two-day SEMINAR “Trans Cultural Practices – Perspectives and Possibilities” in memory and in honour of Prof. Anil Bhatti, Professor Emeritus at the Centre of German Studies, JNU.
Initiated by Dr. Matthias Preuss, Ruhr-Universität Bochum; Dr. Sara Bangert, Universität Tübingen; Dr. Anu Pande, English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad; Dr. Pallavi Tezpur University, Assam and Ms. Priya Kumari, JNU, the symposium was attended by doctoral students, fellows and early career scientist of German studies from JNU and Delhi University. The full day symposium divided into 3 sections dealt with various aspects of cultural-theoretical paradigm of 'similarity', had discussion and talks delivered by the young researchers and was very well received by the audience. As the representative DFG India Office, Dr. Vaibhav Agarwal, interacted with the participants and briefly informed about funding programmes for early career researchers and scientists.
The DFG Office India supports such scientific interactions by early career researchers from India and Germany in order to facilitate stronger and broader networks between the two countries in various scientific areas.
Further information
Profiles of the involved scientists:
Dr. Sara Bangert | Universität Tübingen ( Link)
Westeuropäische Literaturen - Prof. Dr. Andrea Allerkamp • Europa-Universität Viadrin(externer Link)
Prof. Dr. Dorothee Kimmich | Universität Tübingen ( Link)