DFG Office India at IIT-Roorkee
On the invitation of the office of the Dean International Relation, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) visited IIT-Roorkee from 7-8 October 2024. The visit was in connection with the "Natural-hazard symposium for Indian Himalaya 2024(Download), which was jointly organised by IIT-Roorkee and the University of Potsdam and took place from 8-10 October 2024 within the framework of the Indo-German Partnership in Higher Education Programme (IGP) 2020-24 project (Co-PREPARE(externer Link), funded by the UGC and the DAAD.
2. (L to R) Dr. Sai Ramudu Meka, IIT Roorkee; Dr Poonam Sehgal Suri, MPG; Dr Vaibhav Agarwal, DFG; Prof. Bruno Merz, Helmholtz Center for Geosciences; Dr Amisha Jain, Uni Köln; Prof. Dr. Axel Bronstert, Uni Potsdam; Prof. K K Pant, Director, IIT Roorkee; Prof. U.P. Singh, Deputy Director, IIT Roorkee; Prof. V C Srivastava, Dean IR, IIT Roorkee; Prof. Akshay Dvivedi, Dean SRIC, IIT Roorkee; Dr Rajiv Kumar, DST; Prof. Sumit Sen, IIT Roorkee; Dr Ankit Agarwal, IIT Roorkee.
The symposium started with a panel discussion on "Internationalization/Indo-German Partnership in higher Education" and saw the participation of researchers and representatives of Indian and German universities as well as research funding organisations. The three-day deliberations, encompassing presentations, posters and networking, served as a platform for initiating new collaborations between institutions across the two countries and beyond.
On the sidelines of the symposium, the DFG Office India, together with the office of the Dean International Relations, IIT-Roorkee, organised an information session titled "German Research Day: Opportunities for Indo-German Cooperation(Download) on 7 October 2024. The one-day information session was attended by approximately 75 highly motivated students, young researchers and faculty members from IIT-Roorkee as well as representatives of the University of Cologne, the Max Planck Society (MPG), the University of Potsdam, the Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, the Department of Science and Technology (DST), the Government of India and the DFG.
Dr. Vaibhav Agarwal, representing the DFG Office India, introduced the German research landscape and answered questions on potential collaborations enabled by various DFG funding opportunities and other bilateral programmes. The participants received ample first-hand information and learned about the opportunities of higher education, science and research in Germany.