DFG at Horizon Europe Research & Innovation Info Day 2024 in Chandigarh and Sonipat
Dr. Vaibhav Agarwal, Deputy Director, DFG India Office address the audience
The delegation of the European Union to India in association with EURAXESS Links India organized a day long information and networking event "Explore Research and Funding Opportunities in Europe" in Chandigarh and at Ashoka University, Sonipat on 30th August and 12th September 2024 respectively. The event gave a platform, not only to Master students, but also doctoral fellows, post-doctoral researchers, young scientist as well as representatives of universities and research institutes in and around Chandigarh region to meet the delegation of leading European research and funding agencies. It was an opportunity for the participants to know more about the programmes of the European commission, mechanisms of research mobility as well as first-hand information on the research collaboration opportunities of the EU member countries available for them.
At both events, the importance and relevance of the age-old EU-India ties, the mutual benefit thereof and the vast potential that can be explored for higher education and research cooperation were emphasized by the dignitaries of the respective countries and organizations.
The speeches were followed by highly informative presentations on various European commission’s funding initiatives such as the Horizon Europe, an EU research and Innovation Framework programme; Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellowships (MCSA), European Research Council Grants, testimonies of numerous grant awardee as well as presentation by various Research and Innovation counsellors/representatives of various EU member states.
Representing DFG India as Germany major research funding organization, Dr. Vaibhav Agarwal acquaint young PhDs and Postdoctoral fellows and faculty members with research landscape in Germany, various DFG funding programmes for Indo-German research collaboration and for pursuing research careers in Germany, the ''Land of Ideas''.