Activities of the DFG Office Latin America
The activities of the DFG Office Latin America include:
Leibniz Lectures

Since 2009, the DFG has organised lectures delivered by recipients of the renowned Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize, which is awarded by the organisation. These international events are intended to encourage dialogue between the scientific community and the public. The format was launched in Latin America in 2014. At the invitation of the DFG Office Latin America, outstanding researchers representing very diverse fields have already delivered lectures in Brazil, Argentina and Chile, where they also visited local research institutions and interacted with early career researchers through workshops.
Events and Information Workshops

The DFG Office Latin America regularly organises and participates in information events for researchers, universities and research institutions, presenting DFG funding programmes and opportunities for cooperation. Events are also organised in partnership with the German House for Research and Innovation (DWIH) in São Paulo, its supporters and other German organisations represented in Latin America.
These include both general information events and formats aimed at specific target audiences, for example workshops for early career researchers. The DFG Office Latin America also works closely with local partner organisations and universities, organising joint strategic events to promote new collaborations and strengthen existing ones.
Research in Germany

The DFG office in São Paulo organises activities within the Research in Germany campaign, which was launched in 2006 by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The aim of the initiative is to raise Germany’s profile as a research location among researchers abroad and thus promote the internationalisation of science and the humanities.
The office’s activities in connection with Research in Germany are mostly aimed at a Latin American audience and include:
- Holding information events and workshops on research and funding opportunities at scientific conferences
- Providing information and advice to the scientific community at the Research in Germany stand at conferences and other events
- Promoting networking and international cooperation among researchers