The DFG Office in Latin America

Over the last few decades, Latin America has become increasingly important as a research location. During this time there has been a significant development in research collaborations between Germany and various countries in the region. The DFG Office Latin America was established in São Paulo in 2011 to strengthen relations with research institutions and funding organisations in Latin American countries, build closer contacts with researchers and improve networking between the local scientific community and that in Germany.
Based at the German Centre for Research and Innovation São Paulo (DWIH São Paulo), the office serves as a central point of contact for researchers in Latin America, research institutions, funding organisations, and universities which are interested in cooperating with German researchers and promoting academic exchange. Since 2006, the DFG has also been working with Liaison Scientists in Latin America. The DFG Office Latin America is currently supported by one Liaison Scientist in Chile and one in Mexico.
Websites in Spanish and Portuguese

The DFG Office Latin America now offers comprehensive information about the DFG and its programmes in Spanish and Portuguese.

From 15 to 19 July 2023, the 27th IPSA World Congress of Political Science will take place in Buenos Aires. The event is organised by the International Political Science Association with the theme "Politics in the Age of Transboundary Crises: Vulnerability and Resilience". mor(interner Link)
Further Information
The DFG Office Latin America
- serves as a point of contact for researchers, research institutions and funding organisations throughout Latin America who are interested in cooperating with German partners
- offers researchers information and advice on research opportunities in Germany as well as international cooperation opportunities and funding programmes offered by the DFG
- maintains and develops strategic partnerships with Latin American funding organisations and works with them to develop funding instruments for international cooperation
- organises, supports and participates in events such as seminars, workshops and conferences with the aim of initiating new collaborations and strengthening existing ones
- supports dialogue and the sharing of experiences between researchers and institutions in Latin America and Germany
- supports early career researchers through individual advice, information events and scientific events together with major German funding organisations and research institutions
- monitors science policy in Latin American countries
In Latin America, the DFG has cooperation agreements with various funding organisations for financing bilateral projects. Joint funding opportunities are developed in close collaboration with local partners, usually based on the principle of co-financing. This means that the DFG bears the project costs on the German side while the partner organisation is responsible for funding the researchers in Latin America. The financial commitments entered into on both sides ensure that the participating researchers on both continents can cooperate under similar conditions and on an equal footing, and commit themselves to the success of the project.
Joint project proposals are submitted simultaneously to the DFG and the relevant partner organisation. Depending on the agreement, either calls for proposals are published with a deadline or a continuous process is used whereby proposals can be submitted at any time.
The area for which the DFG Office Latin America is responsible extends across an entire continent. To help manage this large geographical area, the office in São Paulo is supported by two Liaison Scientists in Chile and Mexico. These individuals serve as points of contact and support DFG activities in the countries where they are based.
The role of a Liaison Scientist includes:
- Representing the DFG at local events and meetings
- Advising the scientific community, research institutions and funding organisations on DFG funding programmes and opportunities for cooperation
- Maintaining and nurturing contacts with partner organisations in the relevant countries
- Identifying excellent research groups and promising early career researchers
- Reporting on the local science policy situation
- Supporting the activities of the office in São Paulo
Publications of the DFG Office Latin America:
DFG Office Latin America
- Dr. Christina Peter(interner Link)
c/o German House of Science and Innovation
R. Verbo Divino, 1488
CEP: 04719-904 São Paulo – SP, Brazil
Tel.: +55 11 5189 8308
+55 11 98124 3130
+49 228 885 4550
E-Mail: latinamerica@dfg.d(externer Link)
Head Office